Fear and Loathing of War in Ukraine

A new wave of fear is coursing around the internet due to talk about an immanent 'hot' war between NATO and Russia. Should we be surprised at this? No. Fear is the stock in trade for the war mongers. They use it to cover their motivation and to induce people and nations to make rash and disastrous decisions.

The outrageous propaganda is displaying a desperation. The warmongers are outing themselves and their media empire for exactly what it is.
But why? What are they so afraid of that the media is risking whatever credibility they have left to vilify Russia? And why risk doing it in unison putting on display the co-ordinated nature and therefore centralized control of the media?

Saker has put up a video of a talk by Sergei Glazyev made several weeks ago outlining his case that the aggression of the US using its proxy, the Ukrainian junta, is not only against the people of eastern Ukraine but also Russia. This will continue until Ukraine (doing the bidding of the US) is waging direct war against Russia. Glazyev says the longer Russia waits the better organized and larger the Ukrainian force becomes. He makes a convincing case and has so far been proved right. I agree with him on everything he says except with his prediction of the Ukrainian aggression growing into an armed confrontation with NATO for Russia. He gives no details as to why he thinks this will happen except that to him it follows on naturally from the proxy war because it is aimed at Russia anyway.

I am reminded of the oft reported remark of the neocon, Michael Ledeen, some years ago, "Every few years the United States needs to pick up some little shitty country and throw it against the wall to show the world we mean business". Well, they have picked up Ukraine now and are throwing it against the wall called Russia hoping to hurt both in the process.

I'll detail further down the article why I think this aggression against Russia via Ukraine will not turn into a full-on NATO Vs Russia shooting war but will build as a new Cold War. It may well become a shooting war between Ukraine and Russia though just like NATO encouraged Georgia to do. But NATO will do exactly as they did in Georgia - nothing.

Interestingly, although Glazyev is the economic advisor to Vladimir Putin and the architect of the Russian move away from using the $US, he makes no mention of it. It is odd because this issue is the central reason the covert/proxy war is being waged on Russia by the US.


Saker says by way of introduction to another article, “I am seriously getting the feeling that the western plutocracy has decided to trigger a war with Russia. What else could explain this type of coordinated "minute of hate" -kind of propaganda:”

The question is rhetorical and relies on the assumption that there is no other reason to explain the propaganda except the proposition before it; that “the western plutocracy has decided to trigger a war with Russia.”

What else could it be? Well I can think of one thing straight off, a Cold War rather than another World (and likely nuclear) War. But before we get to that, I'd like to outline exactly what it is that Russia is threatening the US with so that we might better understand what is at stake here and for whom. Then I'd like to enlarge on what the US can do about this threat and what it can't do.

I'd like to first of all draw attention to the word “plutocracy” used by Saker. Plutocracy refers to government by the wealthy class. Certainly someone from the wealthy class is running this hate campaign against Russia, but is it all the wealthy or just one section of it?

I suggest it is one section of it because it is only one particular section of the plutocracy that is threatened by Russia. That section is the bankers and they just happen to be of the same religious persuasion as the media owners indicating a strong alliance between them.

Russia is threatening the bankers' power because it is moving away from using the $US for trade and, along with China, they are encouraging other nations to do likewise. This causes problems for the US because they have built their military upon the strength of the $US as the de facto world currency. This means that every country in the world accepts it and uses it to buy goods and technology from other countries.

Every country has to sell goods and services to get $US to buy everything it needs from foreign countries including oil in many cases. Every country, that, is except the US. The US doesn't have to trade goods to get $US because it owns the printing press, as it were. This means that the US doesn't have to exchange goods of equal value to get what it wants from the rest of the world. It just has to create the money which it does at no expense. Who wouldn't like to be in this position?

This gives the US a massive advantage over other economies such as Germany and Russia and China. This is one of the reasons why the US has been able to build its massive military machine while at the same time running down its manufacturing ability and the rest of their domestic economy with it. In short, the rest of the world has been subsidizing the US economy and has actually paid for the US military machine that is creating such havoc around the world, including in the very countries that have helped build this monster.

When countries such as Iraq under Saddam Hussein, Iraq and Libya have rebelled against this tyranny and tried to sell oil in currencies other than $US, they have found the same military monster that they have helped to pay for aimed straight at them with disastrous consequences. The retaliatory action has been swift because these countries were threatening the existence of the US bankers and their military machine that they use as a strong-arm enforcer and debt collector.

But despite these brutal retaliatory wars against these rebellious countries, this monster is in decline because countries big enough to defend themselves like Russia and China have had quite enough of these bullying stand-over tactics. Both these countries have aligned to take away the foundations of the Brutal Empire. They are ditching the use of the $US and encouraging other countries to do the same. This is lessening the demand for these dollars and so their value will go down and this will be reflected in increasing inflation for the $US.

That the $US hasn't suffered massive inflation so far is due to the US selling lots of physical gold into the gold market. This keeps the price of gold down and therefore the price of the $US up in relation to gold. To sell enough gold to do this, the bankers have had to steal gold from wherever they can get it. Already they have stolen Germany's, Libya's and most recently, Ukraine's gold.

But the $US is going down anyway and being used less and less for international trade. If this trend continues, then the US will be reduced to the status of every other country and no longer be the issuer of the world's de facto international currency. They will have to exchange real goods (instead of just dollars they print) for everything they need. Not only that but because of the declining value due to inflation that is hitting the $US, they will have to pay even more. Relative poverty is coming the United States' way and with it a decline in its military might because when countries stop supporting the $US, they are also stop supporting the US military. The US will not be able to afford it on its own.

The US' fall will be dramatic because so many countries are deeply resentful of the exploitative behaviour of the US over the last decades and will have no sympathy for it. The general public around the world already has close to zero sympathy for the US.

The loss of wealth and power will be felt most keenly by the very people who actually create the $US, the bankers who own the Federal Reserve. These people have exploited people, including wealthy people, within the US as well as internationally. They have gotten to the pinnacle of their power by forming alliances with other wealthy groups within the US, mainly the WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) industrialists; the old money.

Could it be that the hate propaganda we are subjected to in the media is aimed at the other sections of the wealthy class? The extraordinary and co-ordinated hate campaign that Saker highlights is being carried out in the business and conservative press; the media that the wealthy conservatives read. So that's a clue.

But why would the bankers want to do that? What are they trying to achieve? Well, there are some fundamental differences between the bankers and the WASP industrialists that go way beyond any religious differences. The industrialists, for all their exploitation of markets and workers, still create things; they make products for people to use and need to sell these products to make a profit. The bankers, on the other hand, are essentially thieves. They do not make anything. The have stolen the right to print money from the people (the government is charged under the US Constitution to provide the nation's currency) and print what is no different to counterfeit money with which they buy the produce of others and with which they also corrupt all of society's institutions.

Bankers are not businessmen. They don't have to be. They just make the money they need, literally. If they mess up financially, they just get the govt (which they have corrupted and bought) to give them a 'bail-out' at taxpayers' expense. The industrialists, on the other hand, have to be astute businessmen to stay afloat financially.

Both groups have an interest at running the economy below peak efficiency. The industrialists have an interest in maintaining a certain level of unemployment to keep wages down. But they do not share the bankers interests in creating large depressions. They need a reasonable level of economic activity to ensure enough people have enough money to buy their goods. The bankers don't. They don't need money (as they literally make their own) but they do need power and the poorer people are the more susceptible to power they are.

The creeping growth of unemployment and poverty in western economies since the eighties has hurt the industrialists. Perhaps many of them have had enough of the bankers or are rethinking their allegiances.

The bankers are facing the demise of their economic world power in the face of what Russia and China are doing by abandoning the $US for their trade. The bankers only hope is to isolate Russia and then China economically from Europe and the US so that these countries can't trade with Russia and China using Rubles and Yuan and therefore not using $US. They will have to trade more with the US. In other words, the bankers are trying to preserve as much market for their dollars as possible. And that is the whole point of vilifying Russia and creating 'false flag ops' such as the shooting down of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 and blaming the atrocity on Russia. It is all aimed at turning Russian into a pariah state worthy of isolation by the rest of Europe.

But the severing of trade between Europe and Russia will hurt the industrialists who have been coping with a constantly shrinking American and European markets by exporting to Russia and having joint manufacturing projects with them. The industrialists will be cutting their own throats by going along with the bankers in their attempts to save themselves at every one else's expense. And what are the industrialists going to do if the bankers want to (which they do) isolate China next? The industrialists in the US have outsourced a good deal of their production to China.

The outrageous propaganda that has hit the conservative press in the last few days announces very clearly that the battle is on. The bankers are targeting the industrialists with everything they have. Unfortunately for the bankers, they are overdoing it as is so often the case with psychopaths. They have a certain 'social tone deafness' and an inability to understand how offensive their behaviour is to normal people.

Putin and his colleagues are trying to influence these industrialists especially in Europe and also the political leaders there. These people have influence and power and Putin is trying to get them to use it to their own advantage. Putin is not so worried about trying to influence the western public as they have no power in this situation. His public statements are aimed at the political leaders around the globe. These people by and large respond to facts, reality and not sound bites. These are the people he is trying to influence away from the US and the bankers.

Many people do not understand this and think Putin should be trying to win over the yokels in the backwoods or the yuppies in their condos – all the people with no power and no skin in the game, particularly in America. Waste of time at this point. Besides, the majority of the public in Europe are already on board, it seems, and have been for some time.

In the meantime, Russia is waiting for the Gold market to explode and the $US to implode and the bankers are trying desperately to create the defining crisis that will split Europe from Russia before the twin crises hit them.

It is as if Russia has the US under siege and is cutting off their water supply and sitting back and waiting for the inevitable collapse without firing a shot. The bankers for their part are making as much smoke and noise as is possible and trying to antagonize Russia into attacking the battlements which will take their (and everyone else's) attention and efforts away from the financial strangulation going on. They are even throwing the bodies of innocent Eastern Ukrainians over the wall to outrage the Russians but, so far, Putin has figured that less people will be killed this way in the long run than launching a military attack.

If you were to go back in time to World War I and had the choice of launching the full military war as actually happened with the millions dead or simply targeting the people who engineered the whole thing, the bankers, what would you do?

A Prophecy Fulfilled is a booklet written in 1911 about the causes of the coming war in 1914. It is the missing history. The book details very clearly that WWI was fought for economic reasons and principally those of the London (same as New York) bankers. It may be downloaded at the link in the title above.

So what are the bankers trying to do to save their situation? Well, they are doing all they can at the moment. As mentioned, they are bombarding their allies with war propaganda and trying for all their worth to massively increase the level of fear in the hope that people and governments (think sanctions) will be panicked into doing what the bankers want. This will get worse. But the worse it gets, the more obvious it becomes and the less effective. Meanwhile all those trying to stoke the fear level are 'outing' themselves as being aligned with the cause of the bankers. A very extensive network is becoming increasingly obvious.

The bankers will also increase the false flag operations in the fading hope of provoking Russia to invade Ukraine. This, of course, has been the strategy of the bankers since they failed to gain control of Crimea. It's simple. NATO will continue to push Ukraine to kill its own and destroy their own country until Russia intervenes. NATO will push Ukraine to directly attack Russia or Crimea (same thing) if it has to (and Sergei Gazyev makes a very good case for this) and then NATO will withdraw leaving their puppets in the lurch just as they did in Georgia.

NATO will then use Russia's 'aggression' to isolate her from Europe - Cold War 2. This will save the $US from complete collapse by capturing the European market for their $US. The question is, "Can the Novorossians hold out till the dollar collapses?"

The bankers are hoping for another Cold War. No doubt, they would like another 'hot' shooting war using NATO but it is very doubtful they will get any military heads on board with that. NATO is simply not in a position to win a land war in Europe, let alone Eurasia. The supply lines are too long and the logistics too time consuming. Russia, on the other hand, has everything to hand plus the motivation to fight until they win. They would be fighting for their survival. No one in the West is fighting for survival except the handful of bankers and they will be at pains to hide that fact.

Another problem for NATO is that the Chinese will join in if Russia is attacked. Few paid much attention to the fact that China sent a warship to join the Russian Black Sea Fleet that parked itself off the coast of Syria to deter the US from starting a direct shooting war. It was a long way to sail. China would not have done that if it wasn't fully prepared to fight the US alongside Russia.

So, no land war. What about missile exchange? That won't happen either as Russia has demonstrated superior missile and electronic technology to the US naval forces on a couple of occasions now (see update below). The Russian Black Sea Fleet (with the Chinese warship present) brought down two ICBM's fired by the US Navy from the Mediterranean aimed at Damascus on September 3rd last year.

About four months ago Russia also had a fighter jet do repeated low level dummy bombing runs at the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea for a full 90 minutes. The ship was engaged in a naval exercise with Romania at the time and there was absolutely nothing the USS Donald Duck could do about it. Its radar was totally blind and as all their targeting software was dependent on radar, they were defenceless. The lesson won't have been lost on Romania, either. The USS Donald Cook sailed directly for port in Romania immediately after enduring the nerve racking bombing runs from the Russian jet.

The US Navy has no defence against the Sunburn missiles, either. Their surface ships are simply targets. Indeed, a high ranking US Navy officer said a few years ago (I don't have the source any longer unfortunately) “There are two types of ships in the US Navy – submarines and targets”.

The Russian fighter jets are a generation ahead of the US fighters now and the upcoming F35 is a simply a boondoggle for the MIC and a joke operations-wise. The US is losing face already and it simply cannot afford to come off second best in any military confrontation with Russia, as it surely will. Such is the price of decades of hubris.

So a missile war exchange between armed forces is not going to happen, either. What about nuclear armed inter-continental ICBM exchange with Russia? Russia has equal if not superior nuclear technology here, too. But, either way, America's extinction is guaranteed. Russia announced that Syria was now under its 'nuclear umbrella' and that is the reason (as well as the superior missile technology demonstration) al-Assad was happy to give up his chemical weapons. If the US was going to provoke a head on war with Russia, that was the chance but they backed down.

Similarly, the US raised the propaganda against Iran to fever pitch threatening war until Russia announced that Iran now, too, was under her 'nuclear umbrella'. The bullshit stopped and the US started negotiations with Iran. Again, if the US was ever going to confront Russia head on, there was the chance again. But it backed down again. SO why would it be any different with Ukraine? That is the question anyone advancing the proposition that the US will engage Russia directly in a shooting war will have to address.

So, no go there for a nuclear war, either. That leaves proxy wars, which the US are very good at starting, using other people's lives, land and resources and betraying them when it all goes south. They are very good at that, too. So they will continue along that path until they collapse economically and are forced to withdraw or they are successful at pulling Russia into invading and occupying Ukraine. Of course, then the Gladio type of operations would start and I'm sure Russia is keen to avoid that scenario if possible.

If the bankers are successful in drawing Russia into Ukraine, propaganda success is still not guaranteed as the bankers will still have to make a case for isolating Russia to the rest of Europe and as their propaganda tantrums are getting more and more extreme, it becomes less and less likely that they will be able to sway the Europeans away from following their own best interests.

We have seen before that psychopaths cannot learn effectively from past failures and have an undying belief in the effectiveness of violence and so they are impelled ever forward to more violence and outrages. No matter which way the undeclared war twists, many innocent people will continue to die in horrible ways and leave their families scarred for life because of the bankers' behaviour.


This article was actually written 24 hrs ago and since then some dramatic events have unfolded which bring home the truth of Russia's strength and the weakness of the US position.

"Juan", a correspondent at Saker's has reported the firing of 4 ballistic missiles at militia targets in the Donbass region but they were shot down in transit by Russia from across their border.

It seems John Kerry quickly sued for a cease-fire

Dan Welch has a very good article up at Bellacaio describing the reporting and analyzing its significance with his usual straight shooting insight.

Further Update

RIA-Novosti has an article in which Sergei Lavrov expresses concern about the Kiev regime firing ballistic missiles at resistance forces but nothing else

One source quotes news items on CNN here is an RT report on it There is a curious lack of news elsewhere though.

H/T to McJ for the link to Dan Welch's article



This makes a lot more sense than what we get from the news ... and I hope you're right!

Thanks, James.

Thanks, Winter. Some more

Thanks, Winter. Some more background from an earlier blog post-

The bankers want Cold War but to make cold wars effective you need to pile on the 'hot war' propaganda. I'm sure the bankers would like a little 'spice' in the form of some actual military confrontation, but the US military simply cannot afford it (neither can the bankers really - you don't want your stand-over man shown up as weak)

It is clear now that the propaganda onslaught in the European conservative press was aimed the industrialists and politicians to bring in more sanctions against Russia (and themselves) and it looks like it was successful.

Deke Solomon's picture

James may be wrong about mainstream media.

A long time ago, Louis Filler published the first edition of his book, 'Crusaders for American Liberalism: The Story of the Muckrakers' (Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1939. New editions in 1950, 1961, and 1964).

In that book, Filler explains how 'McClure's Magazine,' 'Colliers,' and others like them were bought up, sold out, or driven under by what were then called "the trusts". Working through banks, trade associations, manufacturers of ink, paper, printing supplies and hardware, "the trusts" put the muckrakers out of business. Crusading journalism found itself unable to sell advertising, buy supplies, get bank credit, etc. There was virtually nothing the crusaders could do about it and nobody tangible they could sue or plead to. Their exposees had pissed off Big Money and Big Money, using "the invisible hand of the markets," beat the crusaders to death. The were driven to sell out or go broke, and it all happened within a year or two -- sometimes only a matter of months -- before 'Muckraking Journalism' was dead. All of that, mind you, some years BEFORE 1914 and the first global military holocaust.

Regarding James' ideas about mainstream media operations 'coordinating' to smear Russia and Mr. Putin, therefore, I believe James is mistaken. The mainstream media, the U.S. government, NATO, et al. do not take orders from any one person or any tangible being or group of beings. Big Money does not give orders. Big Money puts pressure on world leaders and transnational corporations by controlling the options available to the bigshots.

We all know, for example, that American money fueled Hitler's war machine all the while America fought Nazis on the ground in Europe. We all know that money managers position the assets they control so that they show a profit if the markets go up or down or sideways, forward, back, or cattywampus. Nations rise or nations fall and Money makes a profit whatever happens.

So called "financial panics" do not concern the richest of the rich (whose assets are safe whatever happens) nor do they concern the poor (who have no assets to worry about). "Financial panics" concern only the middle classes. 'Upper Middle Class' includes the hard-working dentist who operates a chain of six clinics and 'rich' slobs in President Obama's alleged personal income bracket. Lower middle classes are 'poor' slobs who think themselves wise and well-off because they saved for 40 years to put a few grand in packing-house shares).

Fact is, everybody in the world EXCEPT Big Money lives on credit. Big Money gets whatever it wants by turning credit on or off. And Big Money is invisible. You'll never see the fattest of all fatcats step forward and tell Rupert Murdoch or Vladimir Putin or Barack Obama that his credit is cut off. If Rupert Murdoch can't borrow money, he'll know why. And he'll know what -- if anything -- he can do to turn the credit on again. Such things are understood. They are never stated baldly.

So who here wants to bet his life and fortune on the idea that Big Money wants to save capitalist America from the stink of exbrinction? Maybe Money has decided that the future lies in Russia or China. Maybe Money wants a war with which to make more money. Maybe Money is afraid of Mr. Putin because he is a brave and ruthless man who used to be a communist. We can't tell because there's nobody we can ask. The hand of the markets is invisible. And that's why I think that mainstream media are doing what they know they have to do if they want to keep the money (credit) flowing in. The people who operate Time/Warner are not stupid. Rupert Murdoch is not stupid. Neither Time/Warner nor Rupert Murdoch (nor any such people anywhere in the world) have any particular loyalty to any political system. They have no morals. But they DO have a lot of money, which they get to keep and cultivate for as long as they can get credit. Credit rules the world and temporal rulers will do anything to get credit or to keep it.

Filler makes a mighty good case in re. Muckraking Journalism and "The Trusts." Get it. Read it.


Solomon sed.

Response to Deke

Deke, I'll include my comments within your text so you'll find your comment in full below (in italics) with my comments inserted in it-

A long time ago, Louis Filler published the first edition of his book, 'Crusaders for American Liberalism: The Story of the Muckrakers' (Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1939. New editions in 1950, 1961, and 1964).
In that book, Filler explains how 'McClure's Magazine,' 'Colliers,' and others like them were bought up, sold out, or driven under by what were then called "the trusts". Working through banks, trade associations, manufacturers of ink, paper, printing supplies and hardware, "the trusts" put the muckrakers out of business. Crusading journalism found itself unable to sell advertising, buy supplies, get bank credit, etc. There was virtually nothing the crusaders could do about it and nobody tangible they could sue or plead to. Their exposees had pissed off Big Money and Big Money, using "the invisible hand of the markets," beat the crusaders to death. The were driven to sell out or go broke, and it all happened within a year or two -- sometimes only a matter of months -- before 'Muckraking Journalism' was dead. All of that, mind you, some years BEFORE 1914 and the first global military holocaust.

What you are proposing is a co-ordinated takeover of the popular press by Big Money, as you put it, which backs up my case. That they did it BEFORE the 1914 Great War (and also before the passing of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 which had a lot of popular resistance) is hardly surprising. What would be surprising is if they did it AFTER the war and after they had the Fed in place to finance America's war efforts – at great profit of course. Again, you are backing up my point and not making your point that I am mistaken about the media being co-ordinated.

Regarding James' ideas about mainstream media operations 'coordinating' to smear Russia and Mr. Putin, therefore, I believe James is mistaken. The mainstream media, the U.S. government, NATO, et al. do not take orders from any one person or any tangible being or group of beings. Big Money does not give orders. Big Money puts pressure on world leaders and transnational corporations by controlling the options available to the bigshots.

Given that your facts back up my point, there is no “therefore” to make and to back up your assertion that I am mistaken. You then go on to make some declarative statements about what Big Money does and doesn't do without any examples or arguments.

We all know, for example, that American money fueled Hitler's war machine all the while America fought Nazis on the ground in Europe. We all know that money managers position the assets they control so that they show a profit if the markets go up or down or sideways, forward, back, or cattywampus. Nations rise or nations fall and Money makes a profit whatever happens.

“We all know” is a rhetorical device. But, yes, in certain circles, it is well known that bankers fund both sides of any war. That is one of the primary reasons for causing wars in the first place; to make profits from financing and supplying warefare. But this does not disprove the assertion of mine you are disputing that the media propaganda is co-ordinated and works hand in glove with the bankers (I am assuming you are meaning the bankers when you refer to Big Money) that you wrote yourself were responsible for taking over the popular press in a concerted and co-ordinated way. Introducing Hitler's financing is irrelevant to your assertion that I am mistaken, in any case.

So called "financial panics" do not concern the richest of the rich (whose assets are safe whatever happens) nor do they concern the poor (who have no assets to worry about). "Financial panics" concern only the middle classes. 'Upper Middle Class' includes the hard-working dentist who operates a chain of six clinics and 'rich' slobs in President Obama's alleged personal income bracket. Lower middle classes are 'poor' slobs who think themselves wise and well-off because they saved for 40 years to put a few grand in packing-house shares).

I have no argument with this except for the derision you display towards the lower-middle class. But the fact is that it what you say is irrelevant to your charge of me being mistaken. Like the previous paragraph, it falls under the heading of 'Red Herring' in the list of fallacious arguments.

Fact is, everybody in the world EXCEPT Big Money lives on credit. Big Money gets whatever it wants by turning credit on or off. And Big Money is invisible. You'll never see the fattest of all fatcats step forward and tell Rupert Murdoch or Vladimir Putin or Barack Obama that his credit is cut off. If Rupert Murdoch can't borrow money, he'll know why. And he'll know what -- if anything -- he can do to turn the credit on again. Such things are understood. They are never stated baldly.

Do you have any evidence for this assertion that it is all done by implication? Some twenty years ago News Corp (Rupert Murdoch) was about to go belly up. Some banks were going to call in the collateral of their loans to News Corp. Once one bank did this, the rest would follow like an avalanche because they would then be in breach of their fiducial duties under law. One of the Rockefeller banks had a senior woman employee full time ringing around all the banks to threaten them not to foreclose. She was successful and News Corp survived to go on to be the propaganda trumpet it is today (though it was before, of course). This could only happen if there was face to face talks between good ole' Rupert and the head of the Rockefeller bank. I forget which one off hand. It was twenty years ago but I remember the pertinent details. Perhaps you remember the leaked telephone call between the Ukrainian jewish banker and terrorist Kolomoisky and the head of his news organization in Kiev that was leaked onto the web recently?

So who here wants to bet his life and fortune on the idea that Big Money wants to save capitalist America from the stink of exbrinction? Maybe Money has decided that the future lies in Russia or China. Maybe Money wants a war with which to make more money. Maybe Money is afraid of Mr. Putin because he is a brave and ruthless man who used to be a communist. We can't tell because there's nobody we can ask. The hand of the markets is invisible. And that's why I think that mainstream media are doing what they know they have to do if they want to keep the money (credit) flowing in. The people who operate Time/Warner are not stupid. Rupert Murdoch is not stupid. Neither Time/Warner nor Rupert Murdoch (nor any such people anywhere in the world) have any particular loyalty to any political system. They have no morals. But they DO have a lot of money, which they get to keep and cultivate for as long as they can get credit. Credit rules the world and temporal rulers will do anything to get credit or to keep it.

I have explained in detail what the bankers are afraid of in Putin and his Russian economic advisors. If you want to make the opposite case, you have failed miserably. Lots of 'maybes' in there and unsupported assertions. It is well known (in certain circles!) that the six media empires are all controlled by jews and jews have a long history and wide reputation of working together. It defies common sense to hold to the idea that they do not work in concert particularly when you see that they all say the same thing at the same time.
To claim, “ We can't tell because there's nobody we can ask” is ludicrous. Can you imagine what Doctor Watson would say if Sherlock Holmes were to throw up his hands and offer that as an excuse for not carrying out an investigation? Who do you think you are dealing with here?

Filler makes a mighty good case in re. Muckraking Journalism and "The Trusts." Get it. Read it.

Those are imperative statements and imperative statements always sound imperious to me. Regardless, they come across as rude and arrogant and make more sense of your appearance on this blog by first publishing a comment that challenged Winter's post about a potential false flag op by listing all the reasons why the Kiev regime was doomed. None of which was actually an argument why the regime would not indulge in a false flag but quite the opposite. Your conclusion did not follow from the data, the facts you presented. The same false logic was employed by you in your argument about the media being taken over before 1914.
Your first comment was followed closely by an article from yourself with no introduction beforehand and speaks of a certain 'social tone deafness' common amongst hasbarats.

Your next comment was to praise Winter's article and then you criticized my article. This makes no sense because Winter's piece assumes that the media is monolithic (controlled and co-ordinated) and is employed to control the population for political purposes including war (cold or hot) which is the bankers priority at the moment and the point of my article that you dispute. This makes no sense unless it is a 'divide and conquer' tactic also used constantly by hasbarats.

You picked on one of my points which is a minor one and ignored the rest which included the main thrust of my argument for the bankers pushing for a new Cold War. This, again, is an hasbarat tactic to draw attention away from the author's argument and run it down a side alley.

I guess you had to try but you picked the wrong audience, Deke. Winter did warn you, “if we think somebody's trying to pull a cheap shot, we can get pretty gnarly in a hurry”.

wow is right

still working my way through this excellent piece. but this point really hit me,

" In short, the rest of the world has been subsidizing the US economy and has actually paid for the US military machine that is creating such havoc around the world, including in the very countries that have helped build this monster."

because it's exactly how I've felt when paying taxes in the domestic police and propaganda state in the US ever since the Murrah building was blown up by John Does 1 & 2: it's a clever trick having your victims fund the arsenals used against them, isn't it?

earlier i hadn't recalled seeing anything like this, but now this article popped up on a feed today http://www.businessinsider.com/russian-soldiers-social-ukraine-2014-7

Hi Joe

Thanks for your comment. Your paying taxes to support the domestic police who are engaged in nefarious practices is exactly analogous to countries paying tribute to America (i.e. the bankers) via accepting $US that pay for the stand-over US Army. Not to mention the CIA and all the other clandestine agencies. That is an incisive observation.

The idea of victims paying for their own oppression is an oldie but a goodie much favoured by the evil ones. Paying for a teevee set to receive your daily propaganda/brainwashing is an everyday example of that.

I gotta say that BusinessInsider is one of the propaganda rags I was referring to in my article. And their sources are no better. Zero credibility there. The social media 'proof' is typical of what the CIA are providing the public in place of all the satellite pictures and actual intel intercepts that they have. The social media stuff is way too easy to fabricate.

If the CIA had actual real proof, (which they would have if Russian troops were present in Ukraine and if Russians were really shelling Ukrainian positions) they would splash it everywhere. But they don't so they haven't!

Excellent!Thanks, James, for

Thanks, James, for the very good analysis.
Cheers from Brazil.

thanks, Scan

You're very welcome

Business Insider as NSA/CIA propaganda and trolls

Ah that thread at Business Insider. I posted there as 'Nobody'. What I found interesting is that the usual Ukie trolls and even fake conservative Cold Warrior trolls all avoid any discussion of the Ukies lying about their casualties like the plague. It's as if they have a standing order 'do not engage, do not discuss this or that, stay on message at all times'. Thus the only troll that engaged me claimed all the real fascists are in Crimea and Russia, and Right Sector is hardly fascistic in comparison. Um ok, Zhirinovsky may be a bombastic and clownish at times, but how many people has LDPR burned alive like Right Sector in Odessa? There's your answer.

There will be Maidan in St Petersburg: Evgeny Fedorov

Perhaps not a hot war nor a cold war but a subversive war:
There will be Maidan in St Petersburg: Evgeny Fedorov

Linky no worky

Hi Anon, the link you included in your comment didn't lead to the Fedorov video so I removed it. If you find the correct one, I'd like to post it.
Cold War 1.0 included proxy wars and subversive activities, too. So it should be expected.

try this

Thanks for digging out the

Thanks for digging out the link, Anon. It is a very interesting video as all Fedorov's seem to be. He makes a lot of good points but I'm sure Putin and others are well aware of what is being, and will be, attempted by way of destabilizing Russia and hurting her economy.

Fedorov mentions the new US ambassador to Russia, John Tefft, as having been involved in two previous color revolutions. It would seem surprising or maybe even stupid to allow him into Russia but the advantage is that he and his tactics are very much a known quantity.

There may not be any discussion or analysis of the Kiev overthrow in Russian media but that will not inhibit analysis within the govt and countermeasures being prepared. The putsch was effective in Ukraine because they got Yanukovych to hand over some of his power first (control of police) and then threatened his life at which point Yanukovych fled his country and abandoned his people. There is no way Putin will do that.

The Russian govt has already enacted laws to limit public demonstrations and laws to prosecute Russian media from broadcasting blatant lies.

However, that being said, I'm sure there will be an attempt to disrupt the Russian economy if not the political establishment from within. There are lots of Russians in israel and I would imagine the israeli govt is recruiting amongst them right now to go back to Russia to cause trouble.

But what is better? To let a fifth column remain in place through suppression and have it fester there or allow it to come out into the light of day to be dealt with?

I have a lot of time for Evgeny Fedorov and have no quibbles with anything he says. But, to me, he is attempting to bring the existence of the fifth column to the public's awareness so it will be better able to understand the social turmoil when it happens. And it will happen.

I have noted before that the psychopaths in Washington and Brussels are trapped by their own natures and will continue to fall forward onto a sword of their own making.

In keeping with their established pattern, they will fail in Ukraine and will fall forward into Russia by attempting a color revolution there just as Fedorov predicts but I predict it will be an even more miserable a failure than Ukraine by a country mile.

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