Part 1 can be found here and
Part 2 can be found here
"The United Nations Security Council has voted on a resolution authorising military intervention in Libya to protect Libyan citizens, including the enforcement of a no-fly zone." (Al Jazeera)
This is a declaration of war against Libya. It is beyond my comprehension why Russia and China abstained from this vote rather than vetoing it given the geopolitical ramifications outlined below. I carry no brief for Muammar Gaddafi and he has not handled the rebellion and the protests, such as they were, in an intelligent nor a humane way, it seems. But the alternative proposed by US, Britain and France will be far worse. No country that has had 'humanitarian' intervention by these military forces has benefited in any way from it. Violence only begets more violence and that is exactly the aim of these military invasions.
The “no-fly zone” is, and always has been, about destroying Libya's air-force in preparation of bombing and the strafing of their armed forces. This will pave the way for a full scale land invasion with all its death and destruction. Ask the Iraqis; ask the Afghanis; ask the Yugoslavs how they feel about being liberated from oppression and their cities being bombed and their children being killed.
The rebels have been armed, trained and encouraged by the US and Israel together with Britain and France. The SAS and other Special Forces have been in Libya supplying arms and training. These rebels are inviting mayhem into their land. They are also inviting mayhem down on their own heads. Zionists do not make good allies. They betray ALL their allies sooner or later. This is the "Trojan Horse" strategy in action.
Libya is surrounded by countries populated by Muslims. Libya will become the new Afghanistan. It will be used to de-stabilise all the countries surrounding it, including and especially Egypt.
Egypt escaped it's fate of being invaded by Israel some weeks ago when the protesters refused to become violent which would have enticed Egypt's military to massively repress them creating the environment for invasion from Israel under the excuse of Israel needing to protect itself.
But there's more than one way to skin a cat. So the attack is now going to come from the western flank through Libya in the form of 'terrorists' and drone attacks (just as in Pakistan) instead of directly across the Sinai from Israel. Libya will be effectively broken up into tribal areas ruled by compliant tribal leaders just as in Afghanistan. This is the 'Balkanisation' strategy in action.
Why all the trouble in Muslim countries?
A brief look at the map below entitled the Turkish-Islamic Union will show you that Muslim countries, as a block, separate Europe from Far East Asia. This Union separates China from Russia. It separates the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern. So you might say it's location is very strategic. Location, location, location!
Then there is the oil. Can't forget the oil, can we? It is what Europe and Asia need for survival. That's pretty strategic too!
It's quite a prize, is it not? Tempting for greedy minds with lots of money, technology and men under arms? These Muslim countries have been becoming richer, some more so than others, under the mentorship and trade co-operation of China. China has been supplying finance, technology and very likely military intelligence. Their outlook and standard of living has been improving.
These Muslim countries together with China and Russia have the potential to place Europe and the United States out in the cold. Look at the map again. Eurasia is the heartland with Western European countries on the periphery on one side and Japan on periphery on the other side. America is on the other side of the world. As Zbigniew Brzezinski has said, if you want to rule the world you need to rule Eurasia. Eurasia IS the world!
Britain and now the United States have ruled the world mainly through ruling the seas with their navies. This has worked till now because Eurasia has been been fragmented, weak economically and militarily. But times are changing. An economically prosperous and militarily united Eurasia is a very different entity to deal with. Maybe an impregnable one.
But why are the Unites States (and it's partner in the dark, Israel) messing with students who want democracy and training them in ways to disrupt the current client regimes? To provide disruption which the US et al hope to exploit to unseat the less than completely compliant puppets and to, ironically, defeat the students' (and others') aspirations for more freedom and break up these Muslim countries and drive them backwards economically and culturally. Just like they have done to the Eastern European countries through their 'color revolutions' and through 'liberating' invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq and are now currently preparing to do to Pakistan.
To attack these countries openly without a covering and deceitful narrative would lead to the disaffection of the home populations of US and the UK and to their abandoning support in the form of military enlistments and in many other ways. Hence, the need for deceit at every step aided ably by the so-called Main Steam Media.
The "Muslim Terrorists" will be the scapegoats again and the poor people who live in these Muslim countries (along with the western countries' soldiers) will be the sacrificial goats again in the enactment of yet another blood sacrifice for their god that will lead towards the reward of world rulership for the Zionists. They hope.
Afghanistan was the US military's foothold in Central Asia. From there they have spread mayhem into Pakistan and Iran. They have fostered the poppy/heroin trade and spread it into Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan (and elsewhere) and corrupted their political, social and cultural life in the process. The drugs have been pushed further afield through these countries into China and Russia causing all sorts of economic and social upheaval.
The same fate awaits North Africa as the the US and allies prepare to occupy Libya. Note again the countries that surround Libya and then look also at the place these countries occupy on the Turkish-Islamic Union map.
There is another name for the Turkish-Union. It is also known as the Caliphate. The Caliphate was an allegiance of all Muslim countries to the Caliph who was responsible for the holy cities of Mecca and Medina and had to assure all Muslims access to those cities. The Caliph had tremendous prestige and influence over all Muslims. He was not only a spiritual leader but a temporal one as well.
The last Caliphate was ruled from Turkey until 1924 when it was disbanded. This disbanding was another victory for the Zionists through their agents, the Donmeh of Turkey, otherwise known as “The Young Turks”. The Donmeh are Sabbateans as well as crypto-Jews.
The Ottoman Empire, which included the Caliphate, was opposed to the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine and so came under attack from the Zionists. It is clear that these Zionists together with the leadership of the countries they control, Israel, America and Britain principally, would like nothing better than to balkanise all these countries of the old Caliphate. And to never allow them to come together again. Or would they?
It is beyond question, in my view, that the balkanisation and destruction of all Muslim countries is the plan ahead but whether they succeed is another matter. In spite of the destruction, many events are not going their way. In any case, from this point forward, my views on the Zionists plans are highly speculative. With that huge qualification, let's proceed.
It is more that just possible that the Zionists would like nothing better than another world war because they want to destroy the world in order to rule it. It is a formula they have used repeatedly with success. We're talking about psychopathic thinking here. Sabbatean thinking, where everything is backwards to the aspirations of sane people.
But practicalities intervene. They only want to wage wars they are certain to win. You may have noticed that the US never invades a country that can put up a reasonable defence. So China is out of the question. As is Iran; for the moment, anyway. So who's next? Not Russia, either.
So it is quite possible, in this writers view, that the break down of these Muslim countries is not only for the reasons outlined above but to make the idea of a renewed Caliphate appealing to a majority of Muslims across the world so as to distract them from the secular way with peace, prosperity and co-existence as the goals. The Zionists would rather they come together as an opposing force to incite violence and so provide a worthy enough (but not too worthy) opponent against which to wage a major world war.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion foretold of three world wars on the road to their complete domination of the world. We've had two of these wars with a third yet to come.
Currently, the idea of the Caliphate, as I understand it, has no great appeal for Muslims generally. Until the last couple of years when food prices have sky-rocketed, the standard of living has been improving overall for these people. They aspire to exactly the same things we do (but don't have nearly enough of); freedom of movement and of assembly and freedom from state or other authoritarian oppression and exploitation.
But a prolonged war with religious and cultural overtones may very well change all that. So a Caliphate led by our old friends the Muslim Brotherhood or a similar front for the CIA/Mossad might be just the ticket to provide a worthy, but not too worthy, an opponent to provide for an 'Armageddon' type war, a Clash of Civilisations, and to isolate China and severely constrict their economic future in the process by depriving them of markets and oil and so soften them up for their eventual turn under the gun.
As stated before, the next world war opponent would need to be worthy but not too worthy. So this Caliphate would need to be appear formidable but yet be very vulnerable. Pakistan being a Muslim country would be a candidate for membership, of course, and therefore their nuclear weapons would need to be destroyed or confiscated beforehand. I believe we are seeing this acting out in front of us now.
But, nothing is certain and the Egyptian and Bahraini protesters are proving a thorn in the side of the US leaders, the Israelis and the bankers that rule over them all. Perhaps the Pakistani people can rise up and overturn their corrupt regime and not allow themselves to be used by the evil forces of this world in the process.
Let us hope they can and that they inspire the peoples of the Western world as the Egyptian protesters have inspired many n the West to cease their mindless co-operation in this evil world-wide destruction and exploitation. Let us hope the people of the Western world will stop taking their cues from the teevee: from the fundamentalist preachers; from the mindless, spineless puppets that are the vast bulk of our politicians and start seeking and speaking the truth and then acting on it. Acting on it by turning off the teevee and turning out on the streets when the parade goes past. Till then, by pointing out to anyone who will listen that violence doesn't bring peace and if you indulge in it, you only help those who want to destroy humanity.
So, I turn on the tee vee
So, I turn on the tee vee tonight to see if I can catch some coverage of the situation in Japan and who is on but he of Kosovo infamy, General Wesley Clark. Right on cue he is spouting military strategy - no fly zones, drones, guided missiles to take out the Libyan military facilities etc. They air a piece with giant colored maps and graphics showing what needs to be done and where the NATO assets are placed. So he picks up from there. Anderson Coopers points out that this could be a slippery slope and the US might get more involved then they intended. (hahaha) So Clark says, that's why there needs to be decisive force so they can stop this thing quickly. They can't be giving Gadaffi a couple of days to get himself organized they have to take him out now. You just can't loose against a guy like Gadaffi (as if they would!). Yadayadayada....whoopee we are going to war!
He was also on another broadcast (can't remember which one) and the reporter pointed out that a no fly zone doesn't make sense because Gadaffi isn't winning from the air, it his ground troops that are taking back the territory. Clark just agrees and then goes on to talk about needing to do this quickly and decisively ie. with massive force and yes there will be casualties but these things are messy (he actually said messy). He ended by making this strange comment - something about how one way or the other Gadaffi is out of there. It sounded like he was deliberately taunting him.
It's going to be a blood bath with massive destruction. And so fortunate for them, that all eyes are on the nuclear crisis in Japan. Never waste a good crisis eh! It makes me want to vomit.
Thanks for another excellent article. It really helps to see the maps. What you are saying makes so much sense when you look at them.
And nice job on the picture placement.
the wrong question
Yes, it's always about winning and not losing. Never is the conversation about, "wtf are you doing invading yet another country?" "Have you looked lately at the trail of destruction behind you, . . . . . .shit-for-brains?"
Or how about, "Whose supplying these dudes with their guns and training?" I could go on . . . . .
oh, and thanks for the compliments. I'm thinking of hiring my services out as a picture placement person; a ppp perhaps!
"I'm thinking of hiring my services out as a picture placement person; a ppp perhaps!"

A good job you!
Libya declares ceasefire
Libya declares ceasefire but fighting goes on
Gaddafi's government says it will end military operations in line with UN resolution but reports of attacks continue.
Last Modified: 18 Mar 2011 16:08
Cry havoc and let loose…
Truly great articles James. Excellent analysis to stitch together a coherent thread on the machinations in play.
The names may be different but the outcome is the same. It was the ‘Great Game’ between England and Russia or the ‘Cold War’ between the 2 wings of the Zionist party – Capitalism and Communism.
The strings of the puppeteers are starting to show. The Libyan situation is a point in question. The French and Italians are involved and Israhell is backing an ‘enemy’ to keep him in power. There are larger power plays going on than first meets the eye.
The spooks, secret squirrels and the Special Assassination Squad (SAS) have been very busy to create the right conditions. Sarkozy pops up to grease the wheels of diplomacy in the nick of time to let loose the dogs of war.
Now the door is open expect the propaganda press to go into overdrive with war porn. All the better to drive the cataclysm in Japan from the headlines. The Japanese elite do all in their power to prevent the herd from getting spooked while they get on any flight out.
I fear that the pace will quicken. We will not be fooled again as we were in the past. Similarly, many ordinary folk know not to take the ‘nothing to see… move along’ line from the media at face value. Buckle up my friend.
Great (and violent) 'Games'
Thanks very much for your comments, Chuck. I like your observation that the Communist vs Capitalist saga was yet another 'Great Game'. Using the term 'game' gives away their psychopathic nature.
It's all about sucking in the players to bring about wars and mayhem through 'bait and switch' and false flag attacks.
These tactics rely (and work) on the reflex to return violence with even more violence and on the notion of "Righteous Violence". Too easy.
Perhaps it is really not much different from the movie business; putting together the plots and the players to mesmerise the audience to control their minds and have fun and profit along the way.
On Violence
I have advocated against the use of violence and so I think I should define the term. To me, violence is any force used over and above that required for the preservation of safety for yourself or for those that you may be responsible for.
If means other than physical force are available and judged to be effective, then they should be used for preference. I do not advocate passivity in the face of a physical attack.
Passive is not the same as peaceful
An excellent definition James. I think the Egyptian people did exactly just that recently and that was the key to their success. No one has to act like passively like a sandbag - fit for nothing more than punching or bullet catching.
I heard a great interview recently from Clif High. Among the many things discussed he described the difference between rebellion and revolution.
In rebellion we remove the figures from the existing regime but the structures remain. This is akin to the usual desire to ‘throw da bums out’ we hear at election time. We should know by now that option is mere window dressing.
A revolution tears up all social contracts and implements a new one. A good example was the overthrow and ousting of the British from India. Many examples of violence on the Indian people occurred but they did not respond in kind and hence their eventual victory.
We can be wise to the ways of the enemy but we must not use their methods. If we do so then in our victory we will achieve nothing more than to tear them down so that we may stand in their place.
Well said
We can be wise to the ways of the enemy but we must not use their methods. If we do so then in our victory we will achieve nothing more than to tear them down so that we may stand in their place.
Well said, Chuck
Perfect Picture Placement.
and of course an awesome post.
Thanks James, that was a great read and the maps were fantastic, i got alot out of it.
and i think i've seen those beady looking black eyes before..back inthe days i used to do pig hunting.
Cheers A13
Pig Hunting
Pig Hunting? Do tell....
thanks A13
thanks A13 for your kind words about my picture placement skills. I'm thinking I might take it up professionally. I guess that would make me a pppp!
. They tell you so much.
Glad you liked the article and that it was helpful. I like maps
BTW, i was joking about the quote before
We must introduce you to the chat room, too.
Bow and Arrow...
You, know, Injun style..back in the Good'ol days before anklebiters and a conscience kicked in..when killing stuff was know..way back

and when i could have a little drink and not feel guilty!! lol.
Cheers A13
I see...nice skill to have
I see...nice skill to have should one ever need it.
Good article from Chuckyman at Flogging Dead Horses with a nice thumbs up and links to your recent series here.
Thanks McJ
Yes, it's an excellent rundown on some of the characters and moves behind the scenes in Libya.
WTF another war but you already have two ?
"I think the level of casualties is secondary. I mean, it may sound like an odd thing to say, but all the great scholars who have studied American character have come to the conclusion that we are a warlike people and that we love war. . . . What we hate is not casualties but losing. And if the war goes well and if the American public has the conviction that we're being well--led and that our people are fighting well and that we're winning, I don't think casualties are going to be the issue. " -- Michael Ledeen AEI Breakfast March 27, 2003
quotable Ledeen
That's a very revealing quote, Mick. THanks for bringing it to our attention.
People like Ledeen are very cavalier with other people's lives, aren't they? And after all, why shouldn't they be? They are just playing the Great Game from their comfortable clubs and institutes using people as just so any pawns and everything measured in dollars.
Yes, "we think the price is worth it", as a fat matriarchal ambassador of Moloch once said justifying the deaths of half a million children. A pundit once remarked of her that she "should be boiled in her own fat". Perhaps Moloch will do just that and oblige us all one day.
And perhaps he will pick up that shitty little man, Michael Ledeen, and throw him against the wall a few (hundred) times just to show he means business, too.
Hello James
Yeah I'm still sort of here.
A very interesting perspective on what is going on. Spot on I would say. I think Penny commented on Nobody that the religious views in ancient religous texts were unlikely to have much influence on modern Jewish people. Unfortunately I think she might be mistaken. I base this on a video I saw which I think was a John Pilger movie but haven't been able to locate again as yet. It involved young Israeli's taking over Palestinions homes which was a common occurance at that time and is probably still happening like the Bulldozing of palestinions homes is . When they were asked how they thought it was OK to do this they said they were gods chosen people. Either they were totally brainwashed or just needed an excuse for criminal behaviour. So it looks very much like atleast some modern Israelis believe what they learn in their crazy Religion.
Yo Sally!
How are you going? You've been in my thoughts that last coupla days, ashalee. So it's good to hear from you.
I agree with both your reasons. It's a certainty as far as the settlers in Palestine are concerned. If you grow up with elitism of any sort, it's going to affect your perceptions of reality leading to delusions of grandeur or grandiosity. That includes most people in the West to varying degrees, I'm afraid. But the stronger the exclusiveness is, the more they think they can walk on water and the madder the mindset.
"How are you going?
That questions in the don't ask don't tell category.
You may have noticed I've scooped your article hoping a few Kiwis might read it. Didn't make it to the front page sorry but a few folk still read the pending scoops.
Word does seem to get out about things I post on Scoop that as far as I'm aware haven't been covered elsewhere. It may be having a small effect on the ridiculous state of propaganda going on in NZ right now. Its quite hard to compete with the TV though.
Ok, i won't ask but my
Ok, i won't ask
but my thoughts are with you.
Thanks for putting it up on scoop, Sally. Yeah the teevee is insidious, isn't it. But don't get me started!
Hang in there and stay in touch
You are very prophetic, they're now fighting in Gaza again
Thanks for your comment, Anon
I wish I wasn't right in some ways but the ghouls will fail in the end. They are destructive in every way and are vastly outnumbered by the rest of us and those two facts are becoming increasingly obvious to the people of the world.
The current ongoing genocidal attack on Gaza is israel's last gasp and they are making the most of it before the US dollar implodes and the America's financial and military support for israel implodes with it.
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