With all eyes focused on Egypt at the moment, the following is written to further place the Egyptian protests in the larger context of the wider turmoil in the world and the dominant force that is shaping not only Egypt's future but this world's future with it.
I will attempt to illustrate the power of this force by outlining it in three separate posts being parts 1, 2 and 3-
The Plan
The Strategy in principle and
The Strategy in action: using the disaffection in Egypt
There are a number of major forces in the world today but by far the most aggressive of them is the force that lies behind the state of Israel, Zionism. And the force that lies, in turn, behind Zionism is the international bankers and, in particular, those bankers that form the Jewish clique who are by far the biggest players within the banking circle. They control the two most influential central banks in the world, the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve Bank of the the US. They also control the body that co-ordinates central banks throughout the world, the Bank for International Settlements in Basle Switzerland.
Actually, these bankers are not principally bankers at all but rather men, families, that are world dominionists. They intend to rule the world and they are well on the way after two hundred years of planning and manoeuvring. Money from banking is their primary tool. All their other power, influence and domination flow from this. The pre-eminent family amongst these bankers is the Rothschilds. Heinrich Heine, a poet-philosopher and banker's son said of James Rothschild, “Money is the god of this world and Rothschild is his prophet”. Note the quote stated “his” prophet. Heine personified this god. This personified god of money has a name, of course. Mammon.
To tie these families together through the generations and ensuring continuity, something stronger than 'family ties' is needed. Something of a religious nature is needed: something that offers reward beyond the grave for these worshippers of money and power; these worshippers of Mammon.
Another Rothschild, the founder of the House, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, has been quoted as saying, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws”. This quote indicates the primacy of issuing a nations money in the power hierarchy. So the plan from the beginning was to form banks and then central banks (which would control and co-ordinate all the other banks within a country) and, through whatever means necessary, gain the position of issuing a nation's money. And, indeed, they do in most countries in the world including the major powers, America, England and Europe. With this power to create virtually unlimited amounts of money as they did in a blatant display of this power in connection with the so called “bank bailouts”, they can then buy their way into the upper echelons of commerce, industry and finally political power, the aristocracy. And they have; making connections, 'friends' and allies and fostering their dependency upon the bankers and their money. Money is also a drug; a drug of addiction.
With this power they have bought their way into strategic industries in particular such as oil, food, and armaments. War making uses vast amounts of these resources and manufactured items together with equally vast amounts of money to finance their purchases. These bankers win on both sides of the ledger. There are huge profits to be made from war for these people. Of course, if banks and the armaments industries were nationalised by the governments of the world, this huge pressure for war would disappear overnight. Until that day, this insistent power and forceful influence on the world's governments will persist because with their money they can buy the election of compliant politicians. These same politicians then extend the open US public purse towards Israel and in the process pay back multiple times their electoral bribes.
It becomes an insidious roundabout. Indeed, there is a practice in America called the “revolving door policy” whereby individuals shift from senior positions within these strategic industries, into influential government positions and then back and forth again. Through this process, the government and major industries in America have been captured by the bankers and turned to their purposes. This power then inevitably extends into the United Nations.
With this power and influence, the Rothschilds and the other Jewish banking families that they have gathered around them have managed to have the state of Israel proclaimed in their favour and carved out of the living body of Palestine in 1948. It was their beach head in their political invasion of the Middle East. This granting of someone else's land to unwanted immigrants by people on the other side of the world who neither owned nor resided in the country was a disaster for the Palestinians: a disaster for the rest of the Middle East countries immediately surrounding them, especially Egypt now; and, indeed, a coming disaster for the rest of the world.
This disaster that is extending out from Palestine and calling itself Israel is still ongoing and will form the base for these Jewish bankers to become a world power in terms of armed forces and resources as well as their existing world power in financial terms. This will mean that they no longer have to suffer the present vulnerability of living off the largesse of the American public. (The state of Israel is not economically viable without this largesse.) They will be able to exploit their conquered neighbours resources and squeeze the maximum from transit fees through the Suez canal. They will no longer have to coerce and negotiate with other powers, their 'friends' and allies to fight their wars for them. They will simply be able to launch them at their whim. Although, of course, they will almost certainly expect their US and European 'friends' money and arms to do their bidding, they will no longer be dependent and therefore vulnerable to a reversal of fortunes as they have been and are still now.
There may be only one worse ultimate fate than becoming a 'friend' of a Mafia Don and that is to become a 'friend' or ally of a Rothschild or an ally or 'friend of Israel', the Rothschilds' very own country. Israel has betrayed one ally after another. They are presently betraying Egypt, its long term “Partner in Peace”. Egypt is planned to be another stepping stone for these bankers on their way to being a world power. They plan to then use to this 'super' Israel to rule over all the other powers using the American and British peoples and their armed forces together with those of NATO and affiliated treaty organisations.
The nations of America and Britain in particular are being turned into massive war machines and bled dry. Non-strategic industries have been closed down or moved overseas principally to China causing mass unemployment and leaving the workforce a choice of employment in the armaments and tributary industries or directly in the military forces. This is an example of the fate of Israel's allies. Egypt is another.
So with all these resources at their command, how do the bankers through their very own little country intend to go about bringing the whole world to heel? They have a strategy which is very simple and they have been using it for well over a hundred years through the governments and armed forces of Britain and America. It is termed, “balkanisation” and Egypt is the latest example if things go according to plan for them (which, so far, it appears it isn't). Balkanisation involves destroying a nation through various means including wars, civil wars and civil uprisings and to break it up into small ethnically or religiously based states.
This power through destruction is a good description of the power of evil. This simple destructive strategy will be the subject of the next installment, Part 2. An examination of this process underway in Egypt (but still uncertain) will be the subject of Part 3
Very Good James
Thanks for this James. Great work and looking forward to more.
"These same politicians then extend the open US public purse towards Israel and in the process pay back multiple times their electoral bribes. "
Good point - they are thieving every way you turn.
"They will be able to exploit their conquered neighbours resources and squeeze the maximum from transit fees through the Suez canal."
for invading the Sinai. The other day while I was listening to AJ coverage it was playing out like a for gone conclusion.
They are well on their way to solidifying their proschema
"They plan to then use to this 'super' Israel to rule over all the other powers using the American and British peoples and their armed forces together with those of NATO and affiliated treaty organisations."
They don't even appear to be hiding it any longer. It is right out there in the open for anyone to see, if you know what you are looking for.
I like your description of the Rottenchild banksters as having "their very own country" - very appropriate!
You got me there, McJ! I had to follow your link to find out what it meant
Great word!.
"They don't even appear to be hiding it any longer. It is right out there in the open for anyone to see, if you know what you are looking for. "
Amazing isn't it?! But that's hubris for you and we know what that does to the proud and their plans. So here's hoping!
Great word!.
Ya, I thought so too.
Brazen Criminals
Thanks, James. I am looking forward to the next two parts of the series.
I was speaking with one of my real-world friends the other day and we got talking about 9/11 and how ludicrous the official story appears when you look closely at it, and we agreed that the most striking feature of the whole sorry tale is the brazenness of it.
Some would call it "chutzpah," I suppose.
What amazes me is the number of people who seem impervious to the absolutely obvious truths around them, the depth to which they appear to be "innoculated," and the rage with which they respond to any hint that their world-view is flawed.
{{ And besides, criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic, just like Hitler, who killed six million Jews, because Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, and America's only friend in the whole world, and what would you do if you were under constant bombardment from the terrorists in the hills? Seriously, what would you do if you were surrounded by vicious ignorant Islamic militants who have so little regard for human life that they and their entire families need to be bombed and strafed whever white phosphorous is unavailable? Just because they covet the land their ancestors lived on? Puh-leeze! Get out of here before I break your face!! }}
Leaderless in Fantasy Land
Thanks Winter. It's extraordinary, isn't it?
I used to just see it as an ignorance or an inability or unwillingness to think and reason. I have given it a lot of thought over the last few years and I am thinking now it has always been that the majority of any group will defer to a leader (designated as such or not) to give the direction in whatever matter. To assure themselves, they then have to trust that leader and take him or her at their word, otherwise there is no point in trusting and following them in the first place. I'm not sure it is a fault really.
There are many many situations in the survival of a group that do not lend themselves to committee decisions. It is recognised, for instance, that the safety of a ships crew is enhanced by having one captain direct operations and the crew follow orders without questioning them to any great extent. There are bad captains, of course, but overall I'm thinking it might be that it is preferable from a 'survival of our species' point of view and safer compared with having crises involving survival handled by sailing committees. This is not an argument for fascism I hasten to add. I don't want to be thrown out of the local chapter of the Society of Worshipful Anarchists, after all.
I was very interested to read a few years ago how the North American tribes that made up the Iroquois Confederation handled this situation. The chiefs were selected and appointed to their various responsibilities by a forum of the grandmothers of the tribe. The chiefs then had complete authority but also responsibility and these positions of authority were not permanent but rotated.
It seems increasingly to me, though, that we have survived down through the aeons because nature has ensured there have always been sufficient leaders amongst the group. But what is significant to me as an observer outside the US is that US society has been robbed of its natural leaders for a long time now and have followed those faux leaders provided for them by the usual suspects. Other countries, mine included, have come in for the same treatment now.
The ADL's practice of shouting down any critics (which will come almost unfailingly from natural leaders) is to silence them, of course. And that is all that is necessary. The bulk of the population will follow the voice that is left regardless of how stupid or deceitful it might be and how blatant its tactics are . . . . unless . . . . unless . . people decide to become their own leaders.
I have a transcript (pdf) of a talk given by a US military psychiatrist in the 1950's detailing the 'brainwashing' experienced by US troops in Korea during the Korean War. One of its main points concerns the role played by leaders in the groups of captured soldiers and how it is critical for 'success' to remove them from the rest of the POWs.
I'll see if I can create a forum to post it here when I have a chance. It makes for very interesting reading.
I used to just see it as an
I used to just see it as an ignorance or an inability or unwillingness to think and reason. I have given it a lot of thought over the last few years and I am thinking now it has always been that the majority of any group will defer to a leader (designated as such or not) to give the direction in whatever matter. To assure themselves, they then have to trust that leader and take him or her at their word, otherwise there is no point in trusting and following them in the first place. I'm not sure it is a fault really.
It is called social engineering, IMO.
From cradle to grave.
Faith in the "leaders" unquestioning faith in authority figures, starts right in the school system.
btw: good job james, it looks as if Israel will get it's hooks into Egypt, by hook or crook.
'natural leaders' vs Authority figures
"It is called social engineering, IMO.
From cradle to grave.
Faith in the "leaders" unquestioning faith in authority figures, starts right in the school system."
Yes, they don't want people exercising their inbuilt ability to identify and follow 'natural leaders'. They want us to follow their appointed authority figures. Hence the brainwashing from an early age to override this natural propensity.
It would seem that the protesters have rejected the NED sponsored opposition 'leaders' provided for them such as ElBaradei and have opted to follow their own leaders that have sprung up from within their own ranks. No wonder negotiations have stalled. And herein lies the hope that this "Color Revolution" will turn out differently for the people in whose name it was started
BTW, Penny, the pdf on Korean 'brainwashing' I mentioned in an earlier comment is the one you sent me!
Hey James i figured it was. I
Hey James
i figured it was. I am really glad you enjoyed it.
And btw if you would like any other books to read, I just got a hold of one on social engineering, it opens with firefox, I can e-mail it to you if you would like?
I am still working on the actual physical book from Global Research, I mentioned previously??, here, I think.....
"It would seem that the protesters have rejected the NED sponsored opposition 'leaders' provided for them such as ElBaradei and have opted to follow their own leaders that have sprung up from within their own ranks."
God, I hope so James. I really do. It would inspire the rest of the world if the Egyptians could pull this off, but, I am afraid of the military response.
Lots of dead bodies could be discouraging
From the Protesters in Tahrir Square
A point to note well is that ElBaradei is conspicuously absent from this list of representatives that the protesters recommend.
Declaration BY: Egyptian Youth Protesting in Midan al-Tahrir UPDATED with Translation
"First, we are a group of young people from Egypt – Muslims and Christians; the overwhelming majority of us do not belong to political parties nor have we been involved in political activities before. Our movement includes old people and children, peasants, laborers and professionals, students and workers and pensioners. Our movement cannot be characterized as driven or moved by a minority given the millions who responded to the call for bringing down the regime. They joined this call last Tuesday in Cairo and in the governorates, in an event in which not one single incident of violence was witnessed nor any attack on property or harassment of anyone by anyone.
Second, our movement is accused of being funded from outside, with support provided by the United States. It is also said that the movement has been instigated by Hamas, and that it is under the leadership and organization of the president of the National Society for Change, Mohammed Elbaradei. Finally, and not finally, it is said that the movement is directed by the Muslim Brotherhood. The listing of these multiple accusations in this way in and of itself shows how false they are. The protestors are all Egyptians. Their goals are patriotic, clear and specific"
AJ reporting that the Egyptian military has taken control
Al Jazeera is reporting now:
The Military Council minus Mubarak has made a national statement on the ongoing crisis. They are stepping in to "safeguard the country" and they say the council will meet regularly. They stopped Mubarak from transferring control to Suleiman.
(An interesting point to note is that I learned the other day that the Egyptian constitution also allows Mubarak to transfer power to the Speaker of the House which would then force an election in 60 days. However, I believe that election would happen under the current one party system. )
Mubarak will address the nation tonight and there is anticipation he will announce he is leaving.
There are huge celebrations on now among the protesters as "they sense victory".
There are reports that he and his family have been making arrangements to leave the country since last night.
Mubarak is currently meeting
Mubarak is currently meeting with Suleiman and his statement will be broadcast live tonight. (It is 7:15 pm local time in Egypt.)
They are speculating on who power will be transferred to now so some conflicting reports about this.
Someone on the phone now calling it a Military Soft Coup. US Gov. is saying the situation is "fluid".
This doesn't look good
Just catching a bit of AJ coverage now while I am online for a few minutes. Mubarak gave his live speech. I just caught the last bit. He says he is not going and has no intention of going anywhere until September. Says he has a plan to resolve the crisis. He is not taking orders from anyone. (They are questioning whether he means he is not taking orders from outside forces such as US.) "He was born and lived in Egypt and he will die in Egypt." He is making some concessions but reporters say these do not go near far enough and were already in the works. The mood in Tahrir square has turned "extremely angry". You can hear there shouting from a mile away. AJ is confused and can't understand why the military came out with the statement saying there were taking over. Did they read the signs wrong is there backstabbing still going on in the back rooms, etc.? No one seems to know what is going on. AJ reporters and talking heads, experts etc. are wtf.
The people are really offended by Mubarak's speech. The crowds in Alexandria have moved onto the street and are marching to the military base. Reporter doesn't know why they are going there thinks the people on the ground are fed up with the army not taking a position so I guess today the signals from the military seem like a betrayal.
See the military vs military speculation that AP commented on in her latest post. http://twelfthbough.blogspot.com/2011/02/riding-bull.html
uh oh
going to watch a little teevee news now. thanks for the update McJ. i suppose now that he has the support of the Saudis that changes the equation. Mubarak is a wily old cat, that's for sure.
Interesting twist
Ya, that is a very interesting twist. I expect the Saudi's know they are on the list for regime change.
I caught a bit of Suleiman's speech and I don't know if it is just me but the guy sounds completely out to lunch. I guess he was playing to those Egyptians without access to internet or satellite TV. Surely, he can't believe even they could be that ignorant. He was telling the Egyptian people to stop listening to satellite TV and listen to your heart and other such babble. Same as Mubarak who was talking about Egyptians joining hands to build a better Egypt.
Live Blogging Again
I started live blogging again on the original thread while I have a bit of time to watch these events unfold.
You can find it at the Link: http://www.winterpatriot.com/node/512 or on the right sidebar under Recent Blog Posts - Live Blogging Al Jazeera's Coverage Of The Events Happening Now in Egypt.
Thanks James, interesting read, look forward to parts 2 & 3.
I have often wondered why the ptb could not utilse ways other than war, medical tech etc, to make their money. Ehy death and destruction? (not that I approve of the take over, just current methodology)
I so hope that Egypt will be a big wake-up to those of us in the west and fracture the empire (whoever is behind it). They are brave people, so much braver than we are.
re: money
Thanks Debbieanne.
It's not really about money. It's about power over others. agreed on the bravery of the Egyptian people.
"He was telling the Egyptian
"He was telling the Egyptian people to stop listening to satellite TV and listen to your heart and other such babble. Same as Mubarak who was talking about Egyptians joining hands to build a better Egypt." What a joke! After 30years of building that better Egypt, we have the tourterer in chief as the new 2nd in command. HA!
Looks like there are both out
Looks like there are both out of the picture now. So, we shall see where the new group of psychopaths take this.
Egyptian army dissoves parliament and suspends constitution
Breaking from Al Jazeera:
The Egyptian army has dissolved the parliament and suspended the constitution. The Cabinet will stay the same. The military council says they will stay in power for a maximum of 6 months or until an election is held. The current PM and current appointed ministers will stay in their posts working for the military for now but may be replaced. The military have the power now to issue new laws in Egypt. No mention of lifting the Emergency Law.
Some protesters are cautiously welcoming this as answering some of their demands. However there are sill lots of people in the square. hmmmm
I guess the Egyptian military didn't opt for any of the available options for the transfer of power/government that existed within the Egyptian constitution. There were three as far as I can tell. First, power could have been transferred directly to the VP. Second, power could be transferred to the Speaker of House who would have to call an election in 60 days (or alternatively, the speaker could hand this power to the judiciary ie. The President of the Constitutional Court who would then be tasked with overseeing the transfer of government which would have to happen within 60 or 90 days). Lastly, power could be transferred to a council of 3 persons - a solution that was favored by El Baradei and those within the "old guard" of the Muslim Brotherhood and the wealthy business class which appear to have the same interests
. Under the last two options, I don't believe there would be any authority to change the constitution.
Delusions of grandeur...
Times Op Ed: Egypt’s Revolution, Bush’s Victory?
"Who is the hero of the Egyptian revolution? Wael Ghonim? Mohamed ElBaradei? Twitter? The ubiquitous Egyptian man (and woman) in the street?
All good nominees, but there’s one more who’s getting increasing support: George W. Bush. Scoff if you will, but the debate is heating up."
The hubris, hypocrisy and just plain delusional thinking here are astounding. It's all about them! Screw hitching their horse to the Arab Democratic Revolution wagon these guys think they are leading the victory parade.
"... Charles Krauthammer: “Today, everyone and his cousin supports the ‘freedom agenda.’ Of course, yesterday it was just George W. Bush, Tony Blair and a band of neocons with unusual hypnotic powers who dared challenge the received wisdom of Arab exceptionalism … Now it seems everyone, even the left, is enthusiastic for Arab democracy. Fine. Fellow travelers are welcome.”
You can read it at the link.
It's The Bankers Who Wish To Rule The Globe, Not Israel
Look, it's not the 'jews' (ie, Ashkenazi-Khazarians, or even the minority 'jews', the Sephardi) - IT'S THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS - who wish to rule the entire planet. Human beings need to get over all previous divisions: race, gender, false left-right political dog-and-pony-show, etc., and realize, that it's THE BANKERS, who have bought the U.S. Congress, and are now running the entire world, from Wall St., from the City of London, and from Basel, Switzerland. Ok, it's that simple.
Each of us, on an individual, and family, and local-COMMUNITY-level, need to take a serious look at our daily economic decisions, and start making changes... Be fiscally responsible. STAY OUT OF DEBT to these banks. Buy Silver and Gold. Bank at a local community bank, or local Credit Union. Avoid big-name chain stores, in favor of locally-owned and operated alternatives... Take personal responsibility for your own health and wellness - prevention or 'preventative medicine' is the key... READ A BOOK! Start with New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies (http://www.amazon.com/New-World-Order-Ancient-Societies/dp/0910311641) Hint: International Bankers sit atop the global Secret Society Network. They also OWN the 'Federal' 'Reserve'. They are also major proponents, and funders, of the entire 'global warming' (really 'global governance') scam.
WATCH A DOCUMENTARY! Start with 'The Secret of Oz' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U71-KsDArFM) and/or 'The Money Masters' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXb-LrVkuwM)
Crash JP Morgan - Buy Silver !
"IT'S THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS - who wish to rule the entire planet."
True. And I think I made that abundantly clear. Or did you skip over my opening paragraph? I also made it quite clear that the Israeli govt (a puppet of these same bankers) is dedicated to achieving that very goal for, again, these same bankers (who identify themselves as Jewish). Add to that, a goodly number of Ashkenazi and Sephardi jews around the world together with a not insignificant number of wannabe jews such as Clinton and Biden that are in the employ of either israel or one or other of the minions of the aforementioned bankers and I think we have a very inclusive mob of mobsters all quite proud of their jewishness. It's that simple.
Do you think the Wannabe Jews may be related to the Whahhabi Muslims?
Do Whahhabi Muslims Wannabe Jews?
Na, probably not, they already tried that and converted a long time ago.
I think they get those same Talmudic perks tho.
Amos 5 says the virgin of Israel has fallen with none to raise her up
Amos 7 says God will not raise Jacob up.
Bauer "Farmer" changed his name to Rothschild; his address 666 Am Mein to the Red Hexagram; Amos 5:26 tells us that is the Star of Molech.
Israel, the Rothschild's and political Zionism are not Jewish in any sense of the word. Theresnothingnew.org/
they certainly are
and Jews all over the world support them for that very reason
Great article
Absolutely 100% spot on my friend. Their agenda has been exposed. Now it's time to put an end to it.
let The propechies go on
No, nobody can stop this from happening, its already propechied by both side, from isreaeli side and from islamic side. and is already on the way.
lets take a look at these propecies from at least these sources :
israeli side :
islamic side :
those are just for an example. and many many more are out there.
Well then, it seems the only question remaining is, 'which version of God's many prophecies and which group of religious nuts is God going to favour?'
It's a pickle!
From where did you get this
From where did you get this informaion ?
There are some links in the articles. These articles are written from commonly available and widely known information. You can do a quick search to confirm this with anything you are not familiar with.
I have drawn conclusions from this information which you can agree with or not.
you must be a muslim or an anti-semite.shut up, you envious jihadist.Israel is light of the nations of the world.No matter what you say they will always triumph.Isreal must win their enemies
hi mad
you must be a muslim or an anti-semite.shut up, you envious jihadist.
Exposed! Yep, you got me there. Sharp as a billiard ball.
Israel is light of the nations of the world.
Setting the world on fire is probably not the smartest way to provide light for the world.
No matter what you say they will always triumph.Isreal must win their enemies
It sounds like you agree that israel plans to conquer the world. Good for you
With brain power such as yours available to it, I can't see how israel can lose against its many enemies.
By the way, why do you think israel has so many enemies? Ah, of course. We are all envious jihadishts; envious of your gigantic intellects. It's obvious, isn't it?
There but for the grace of
There but for the grace of God go I . . . if I had to read the Talmud every day.
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