![]() Sheikh Raed Salah Palestinian leader of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement In serious condition in Israeli hospital UPDATE: |
![]() Dr. Hani Suleiman Lebanese attorney - leader of the Lebanese delegation; Member of the National Committee against the Gaza Embargo, Member of Arab social movements such as the National Arab Conference and one of the founders of the National Arab club, which is a Lebanese group. Shot in both legs by a single bullet. Returned to Lebanon week of June 7, 2010 Mavi Marmara |
The Greek Captain of the Turkish ship that was raided Name unknown Gunshot wound - transferred to Greek hospital |
A Turkish Legislator (Ibrahim Bilgen? -see below) Status and name unknown Mavi Marmara http://www.imemc.org/article/58818 |
![]() Ibrahim Bilgen, 61 Turkish electrical engineer from Siirt. Member of the Chamber of Electrical Engineers of Turkey. Ran as a Saadet (Felicity) Party candidate in the Turkish general election of 2007 and the Siirt mayoral election of 2009. Married with 6 children. Shot dead - four times in the temple, chest, hip and back - possible targeted assassination. He may have been mistaken for Sheikh Raed Salah because of his similarity in appearance. (See Salah's picture above. Also note he was killed with a distant shot which gives more credence to this speculation.) |
![]() Ali Haydar Bengi, 39 Ran a telephone repair shop in Diyarbakir. Graduate of Al-Azhar University, Cairo (Department of Arabic Literature). Married to Saniye Bengi; four children - Mehunur (15), Semanur (10) and twins Mohammed and Senanur Shot Dead |
![]() Paul Larudee, Ph.D., 64 American - San Francisco Bay Area resident - Richmond Hills; a human rights volunteer and a founder of the Free Gaza and Free Palestine Movements. He works as a piano technician in El Cerrito, California. Severly beaten - was hospitalized in Greeze. Jumped overboard in an act of resistance. |
![]() Furkan Dogan, 19 A Turkish-American dual national, with two siblings. In his senior year at Kayseri High School where he was awaiting the results of his university entrance exams; hoped to become a doctor. Loved chess. Son of Dr. Ahmet Dogan, Assoc Prof at Erciyes University. Shot dead with five bullets from less that 45cm -in the face, in the back of the head, twice in the leg and once in the back. |
![]() Cevdet Kiliçlar, 38 Turkish - from Kayseri. A graduate of Marmara University's Faculty of Communications; formerly a newspaper journalist for the National Gazette and the Anatolia Times. For the past year he was a reporter and webmaster for the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) (Also reported as Staff Photographer). Married to Derya Kiliçlar; one daughter, Gülhan, and one son, Erdem. Shot dead by a bullet to the forehead by a soldier one meter away from him UPDATE: "The director-general of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, has condemned the killing of Turkish journalist Cevdet Kiliçlar in the Israeli military interception of the flotilla headed for Gaza on 1 June. |
![]() Kevin Neish Canadian Engineer, 53 Deep bruises on his arms after being bound for up to 25 hours by plastic handcuffs Mavi Marmara UPDATE: Meanwhile, he says, more and more people were being carried down the stairs from the mayhem above—people who'd been shot, and people who were dying or people already dead. “I took detailed photos of the dead and wounded with my camera,” he says, adding, “There were several guys who had two neat bullet holes side by side on the side of their head--clearly they were executed.” Neish smuggled his photos out of Israel to Turkey despite his arrest on the ship and imprisonment in Israel for several days." “In addition to several people I saw who were killed, I saw several dozen wounded people. There was one older guy who was just propped up against the wall with a huge hole in his chest. He died as I was taking his picture.” Neish says he saw many of the 9 who were known to have been killed, and of the 40 who were wounded, and adds, “There were many more who were wounded, too, but less seriously. In the Israeli prison, I saw people with knife wounds and broken bones. Some were hiding their injuries so they wouldn’t be taken away from the others.” He also says, “Initially there were reports that 16 on the boat had been killed. The medical station said 16. There was a suspicion that some bodies may have been thrown overboard. But what people think now is that the the other seven who are missing, since we’re not hearing from families, may have been Israeli spies.” http://www.pacificfreepress.com/news/1/6416-kevin-neish-witness-to-the-m... |
![]() Çetin Topçuoglu, 54 Turkish - from Adana. Former amateur soccer player and taekwondo champion, who coached Turkey's national taekwondo team. Married with one son, Aytek. Shot dead. |
Indonesian (Malaysian) Doctor Name unknown Shot in the stomach as he helped a wounded Israeli soldier. |
Irish National Turkish National Names and status unknown Wounded and transferred to military base near Ankara, Turkey http://www.worldbulletin.net/news_detail.php?id=59428 |
Ahmet Aydan Beker Kayseri, Turkey Critically injured and in Israeli hospital |
Mehmet Ali Zeybek Diyarbakır, Turkey Critically wounded and under arrest in Israel |
Uğur Süleyman Söylemez İstanbul, Turkey Injured and in Israeli hospital |
Osman Çalık Turkish? Shot in the knee. Israeli Knesset member Hani Zuabi prevented the soldier from taking a second shot at him by shouting at the soldier in Hebrew to stop. |
Sura Fachrizaz Indonesian cameraman
![]() Ken O'Keefe Irish/American dual citizen, former US Marine Was been beaten up twice while in Israeli custody. Choked to the point of blackout. UPDATE: |
Manolo Luppichini Italian Video reporter Rib contusion and several haematomas - detained in an isolation cell for 12 hours because he reacted to defend a Palestinian activist, Osama Qashoo, while he was being beaten in prison. During the isolation, by knocking on the door of his cell. |
Osama Qashoo Status unknown Beaten in Israeli prison |
![]() Ahmed Luqman, 20 Australian - university student in international relations at Bond University, Australia. Married to Jerry Campbell a second year nursing student who is three months pregnant; sister Maryam (Kuwait) a second year pharmacy student - both also on board the Mavi Marmara. Shot twice in the leg and knee -in hospital in Istanbul, Turkey. Beaten while in custody (soldiers kicked his wounds, strapped him up and picked him up and dropped him, threatened him with dogs. |
Women (name unknown)
Hit three times in the face by Israeli soldier. Then picked up by her hair. |
Kate Geraghty Australian Photographer for the Sydney Morning Herald Thrown a meter and a half after being shot with a Taser |
Mohammad Dhouibi Algerian member of parliament from El Islah movement, responsible for Al Quds case. Wounded in the right eye. Received treatment in Amman Jordan after his release from Israel. |
![]() Necdet Yildirim, 32 Turkish IHH aid worker from Malatya. Married to Refika Yıldırım; one daughter, Melek, aged three. Shot Dead |
![]() Cengiz Songür, 47 Turkish from Izmir. Married to Nurcan Songür; six daughters and one son. Shot Dead |
![]() Cengiz Akyüz, 41 Turkish from Iskenderun. Married to Nimet Akyüz ; three children - Furkan (14), Beyza (12) and Erva Kardelen (9). Shot dead -Gunshots to back of head, right side of face, back, left leg. |
![]() Fahri Yaldiz, 43 Turkish firefighter who worked for the Municipality of Adiyaman. Married with four sons. Shot Dead |
Issam Za'atar Al-Jazeera photographer Hit by stun gun while filming the raid. Suffered a broken arm. Once in detention he endured a "long and exhausting interrogation." http://www.menassat.com/?q=en/news-articles/7416-journalists-raided-gaza-flotilla-speak-out |
MISSING: The İHH said the activists Çelebi Bozan, Osman Kurç and Aydın Ataç were definitely still missing. These individuals might still be in a hospital in Israel, İHH officials said. http://www.todayszaman.com/tz-web/news-212103-israel-killed-more-than-9-... |
There are more pictures of the sister ship Dream (formally TDI Karadeniz) here
Gulf News Reporter Abbas Al Lawati's eyewitness account of the attack and seizure of the Mavi Marmara and it's passengers.
Part 1 - http://gulfnews.com/news/region/palestinian-territories/from-tear-gas-to...
Part 2 - http://gulfnews.com/news/region/palestinian-territories/abbas-on-freedom...
Part 3 - http://gulfnews.com/news/region/palestinian-territories/eyewitness-accou...
Additional Links:
List of the murdered and wounded moved to the forum.
I have moved my list of the murdered and wounded to this forum post as it was getting difficult to update it where it was located in comments. I have added some pictures and updated some of the information. I will add more as I collect it. If anyone has links that will help please add them to the comments. Thanks.
One thing to note, and a piece of good news, is that the Indonesian camearman reported killed by a gunshot wound to the chest is still alive and in hospital in Haifa, Israel.
Also note the update on Sheikh Raed Salah who says he was the target of assassination during the attack on the Mavi Marmara.
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
Thanks, McJ. The photos help
Thanks, McJ. The photos help understand this crime.
Most are courtesy of
Most are courtesy of Lawrence of Cyberia. And I too was struck by how much more impact it makes when you see the victims pictures and read their stories. I see humanitarians and heroes - committed people of conscience who gave up (or risked) their lives to free the people of Gaza. It viscerally puts the lie to Israeli propoganda.
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
Yes thanks McJ
So tragic, and to top it off, these guys who risked their lives to help people they don't even know, are smeared as terrorists in the American news. typical.
the heroes are terrorists and the cowards are heroes.
Israeli Attack on Mavi Marmara: Raw Footage
I watched this today. It is about an hour long. The attack starts at approx.32 mins. I have to go out right now. I will update this later with a bit of a run down on what happens.
This video was smuggled out of Israel by Iara Lee, a US filmmaker and human rights activist who was on board the Mavi Marmara when Israeli commandos attacked it. The first half of the video shows the activity on the ship before the attack - lots of people on deck for morning prayers, people in the press room working on their laptops, passengers chatting, sleeping on benches etc. At approx 32 minutes when the Israeli's are spotted approaching the ship most of the activity on deck consisted of people putting their shoes back on and rolling up the prayer mats. Lots of people with cameras come onto the deck and almost everyone has life jackets on at this point. During the attack, some of passengers can be seen carrying metal pipes and chains and in one part there are three guys with slingshots shooting (marbles?) at the helicopter as it drops commandos onto the deck. Nothing I could see in this video supports the Israeli version of this attack. At one point there is a discussion over whether the red that is splattered over a wall on the deck is blood or if the Israelis had been using paint ball guns. You do see them bringing one of the Israeli soldiers down the stairs and at this point Kevin Neish shows the book with the names and pictures etc. that they have taken off the soldier. I have read a few times now the passengers are saying this was list of passengers that were not to be harmed.
From the Kuwaiti News Agency:
"The footage showed an instruction sheet in Hebrew with the photos of some passengers the Israeli commandos would not harm. Those included a German Parliamentarian and an archbishop."
"[Lee] also noted that the passengers found it mysterious that five of the passengers simply disappeared after the ship docked in Israel and no country claimed them, raising suspicion that they were Israeli spies."
"On the night of Sunday, May 30, showing a terrifying disregard for human life, Israeli naval forces surrounded and boarded ships sailing to bring humanitarian aid to the blockaded Gaza Strip. On the largest ship, the Mavi Marmara, Israeli commandos opened fire on civilian passengers, killing at least 9 passengers and wounding dozens more. Others are still missing. The final death toll is yet to be determined. Cultures of Resistance director Iara Lee was aboard the besieged ship and has since returned home safely.
Despite the Israeli government's thorough efforts to confiscate all footage taken during the attack, Iara Lee was able to retain some of her recordings. Above is raw footage from the moments leading up to and during the Israeli commandos' assault on the Mavi Marmara."
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
Confiscated credit card used to purchase items in Tel Aviv
"An Italian journalist who was detained by the Israel Defense Forces following the raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla says his credit card was used to purchase items after it was confiscated by the Israeli authorities."
"After the Israel Navy took over the boat, he said, the soldiers searched every passenger and confiscated everything they found. "They took two cameras, microphones, a stand and other equipment from me and my photographer. They took one of the cameras as I was taking photographs," says Luppichini, who was working for Italy's RAI-3 television and an Italian-Swiss television channel when he was detained.
"Afterward they took my wallet, passport, bag and all personal effects on the boat," he says."
"Luppichini discovered that while he was confined in Be'er Sheva and after he was back in Italy - a day after his deportation - purchases were made with his credit card, which the Israeli authorities had confiscated.
One purchase was from a vending machine in Tel Aviv for about NIS 10 on June 2, he says. Another purchase, for NIS 240, was made in Gedera's Village Market - while Luppichini himself was in Bologna, Italy.
"The sums were not large," he says, "among other things because it's a rechargeable credit card that had only 80 euros on it. But in principle it's theft, for all intents and purposes." Luppichini has written a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres, the foreign and defense ministers and to Israel's ambassador and consuls in Italy on the matter."
Luppichini was also beaten while in prison sustained rib contusion and several haematomas and was detained in an isolation cell for 12 hours because he reacted to defend a Palestinian activist, Osama Qashoo, while he was being beaten in prison (by knocking on the door of his cell).
"The most unpleasant truth in the long run is a far safer traveling companion than the most agreeable falsehood." Emerson
HI Friends I have joined today
Hi Iam Prabhu from chennai,joined today in this forum...