August 2009

Hello, I`m newbie


My friend found in Delicious. My name is Susan, I live in Haifa, Israel. I was born in Paris and move to Israel husband after my 21 birthsday. My husband is sergeant of Israel Defence Forces, I work in small computer firm. I like to drink whisky and watch Eddie Murphy

xoxoxo Susan

McJ's picture

Anatomy Of A SWAT From A Lawyer’s Perspective - by Lucille Compton

Anatomy Of A SWAT From A Lawyer’s Perspective
Tuesday, 26 April 2005, 11:32 am
Lucille Compton [1]

Mohandas Karamachand Gandhi, one of the most influential figures in modern social and political activism, considered these traits to be the most spiritually perilous to humanity. [2]

• Wealth without Work
• Pleasure without Conscience
• Science without Humanity
• Knowledge without Character
• Politics without Principle
• Commerce without Morality
• Worship without Sacrifice

Most of us know the term “SWAT” as a reference to an inter-agency team of enforcement personnel who engage in operations to put drug lords and other illegal groups out of business using sophisticated weaponry and state-of-the-art intelligence-gathering methods. A client of mine uses "swat" operation when referring to a complex series of seemingly unrelated actions by a series of governmental agencies, including agencies of judicial, executive and legislative branches, often with the participation and assistance of private individual or corporate informants, to profit from the destruction, silencing, asset seizure or blackmail of an individual or company who is out of favor with or has offended some individual or group in power. The purpose of the swat operation is to satisfy the goals of one or more private special interest groups or governmental covert operations, or both. Ghandi’s perceptive observation about the traits most spiritually harmful to humanity, in a few words, goes a great distance in explaining what the point of the swat operation is. I have spent the last seven years of my practice witnessing, and attempting to deal with, the legal aspects of swat operations apparently conducted at both federal and state levels, in all branches of government, with the assistance of government contractors and unwitting participants alike.

The most challenging aspect of this type of practice is convincing those who are targets [3] or witnesses of the swat operation that it does, in fact, exist. After all, covert operations are conducted under cover. The very nature of a successful covert operation is to achieve its goals without the general public’s being aware that a single force is responsible for what appears to be a series of unrelated events. In my experience, the bigger the lie, the easier it is to pull off.

Let us think of the covert or swat operation as having two primary “teams”:

(1) the covert, willful perpetrators, and those who deliberately or unwittingly assist them (other “participants”), referred to as the “swat team,” and

(2) the “target team,” comprised of the target and the target’s friends, family members, business colleagues and legal and other contractors hired to deal with the swat operation.

As will become clear, it is not necessary to the success of a covert operation that each participant on the swat team has the same or even similar interests to those of other participants, that participants belong to the same political party or recognized social class, or even that the participants know each other. It is also true that individuals not infrequently operate on both teams. Likewise, oftentimes, members of the target’s team search in vain for reasons to believe that there is no swat, but rather a series of unfortunate events brought on by the failure of the target to be perfect. As one of my clients is fond of saying, “there’s always a parking ticket.” This form of denial arises from a false understanding of how the larger economic and social systems operate and often is strong enough to survive despite even overwhelming evidence to contradict the party line put forth by members of the swat team.

An analogy may assist the reader in understanding the nature of a swat operation. Picture a train. A very few passengers get on at the first stop and travel to the end of the line. Most get on and off at different points from each other, with no awareness of the destinations or identities of the other passengers. But all have an interest in going in the same direction and arriving at their own individual destinations along the way without impediment, burden or undue cost or risk. When special interests can control the expenditure of huge sums to get what they want, it is not difficult to discern how and why significant numbers of government officials may undertake multiple actions that result in a common economic end.

To be effective, a trial lawyer who represents the target of a swat operation must fully understand the adversary’s needs and motivations, the limits of the adversary’s resources, if any, and the limits of the adversary’s moral character, if any. The greatest challenge for such an attorney, as well as the client, is that he needs to develop the ability to think as the adversary thinks (which, of course, presents a true danger to the attorney’s own moral character and peace of mind) in order to develop a successful legal and political strategy. The process continues: the lawyer assists the target client to develop a plan to stop the adversary’s plan and then a response to the adversary’s response to the target’s plan, and so on. Until we are able to do this without the Orwellian “brain lock,” [4] we will seldom be effective. The lessons of a trial lawyer apply equally to trial strategies and life in general.

Several overarching rules of thumb usually form the basic structure for the design of a swat operation against any given target:

(1) Convince the public that the truth is a lie and lies are the truth
(2) Pretend money isn’t important and prevent researchers from “following the money trail” and identifying the puppeteers who are controlling and benefiting from the actions of the swat team
(3) Destroy potential witnesses/documenters/experts as a means of rewriting history as to the existence of the swat team and its tactics
(4) Provide plausible deniability to all participants for their roles in the swat
(5) Design the operation so that swat team members and participants make money and the target loses money (i.e., engage in a resource war)
(6) Projective identification: accuse the target of illegal or immoral acts that members of the swat team actually engage in, thereby depriving the target of an explanation for the assault against him
(7) Use complexity, distraction and frequent changes in cast of characters and forums to make it impossible for anyone to follow the enfolding story of greed, lust for power and illegality

At the simplest level, the strategy of the swat team is to use a series of “carrot” and “stick” weapons available to it through legal and illegal means to recruit participants in the swat from a number of forums, including:

(1) The target’s team (including employees, contractors, attorneys, bankers and accountants or auditors)
(2) Judicial and prosecutorial agents
(3) Members of the bureaucracy in executive branch agencies
(4) Members of the media
(5) Businesses (allies or competitors) in and trade groups representing the target's industry

“Carrot” weapons used to bribe, render disloyal or otherwise lure away participants who might otherwise render aid to the target or, more insidiously, cause them to take action against the target, vary according to the foibles or, if you will, character defects, of the potential swat team participants.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of some commonly-used carrot weapons and the types of participants for which such carrots may be effective tools:

Weapons, according to the Associated Seven Deadly Sins

1. Pride (also Vanity)
• Judicial appointments and clerkships
• Academic appointments
• Job promotions or "plum" assignments
• Agency "turf"
• Awards and distinctions
• Exclusive club and association memberships
• Corporate and foundation board memberships
Type of Participant Particularly Vulnerable to this Weapon
Judges and their clerks
Government employees, particularly prosecutorial, enforcement and intelligence
Prominent members of target’s industry
Those on the outside looking in
Members of the target’s family

2. Greed (also Avarice and Covetousness)
• Business contracts
• Book contracts
• Client business
• Campaign contributions
• Bonuses, government grade level escalation
Type of Participant Particularly Vulnerable to this Weapon
Target’s competitors and colleagues
Members of the media
Attorneys, accountants, bankers and consultants
Politicians and elected judges
Civil Service bureaucrats, former employees of the target

3. Lust
• Sexual favors; admiration of beautiful men or women
• Services of prostitutes
Type of Participant Particularly Vulnerable to this Weapon
Politicians, men in mid-life crisis, homosexuals, the unhappily married or socially awkward, sex addicts

4. Envy
• Recognitions, profits, contracts or other things of value that rightfully belong to the target
• Pieces of the target’s business as bounty (e.g., databases, auctioned furniture and equipment or offices, employees and knowledge infrastructure and intellectual property of target’s business)

Type of Participant Particularly Vulnerable to this Weapon 
Business competitors and subordinates who hold grudges against the target
Disgruntled employees of the target

5. Gluttony
• Invitations to parties, receptions, restaurants, etc. in the company of important people
• Inclusion in drinking-related events and bars and other drinking establishments in the company of important people
• Friendship by "shills" at AA, Overeaters’ Anonymous and other support groups for overeaters, alcoholics, bulimics and anorexics
• Direct temptations involving excessive alcohol and food consumption

Type of Participant Particularly Vulnerable to this Weapon  
Friends, employees and other contacts of the target who are alcoholics, compulsive overeaters, bulimics or anorexics or who have family histories of same

6. Anger (also Wrath)
• Booty the loss of which is outwardly painful to the target or target’s associates, providing apparent retribution to the recipient for perceived wrongs by the target
• Adverse publicity against the target
• Booty consisting of all or parts of the target’s business, acquired at below-market prices at auction, private negotiation or other inside deal

Type of Participant Particularly Vulnerable to this Weapon  
Target’s business competitors, particularly those the target has beaten out for contracts or business
Government bureaucrats who have gotten comeuppance due to the target’s actions
Employees fired by the target or who lost jobs as a result of the swat

7. Sloth
• Award of business or contracts on an other-than performance basis
• Private sector promotions for officers and employees whose performance is not distinguished
• Increase in public sector job responsibilities (i.e., budget, supervisory or program responsibility), in an increasingly competitive market
• "Plum" private sector consulting contracts for retired government employees
Type of Participant Particularly Vulnerable to this Weapon
Members of the target’s industry who are not competitive, nonperformers
Bureaucrats in frustrating or dead-end jobs or who are biding their time until retirement eligibility
"Good old boys" who have not kept up with emergent technologies, management styles and other workplace changes

The list of “stick” weapons that can be used to exert pressure upon or blackmail those who would support the target or refuse to rubber-stamp others’ actions that are illegal or immoral is endless. Sticks also can be used against the target directly.

Those who are familiar with covert operations will think of the control file – a file assembled with respect to an individual that includes incriminating or embarrassing information. [5] The point is to find out personal matters and hit the blackmail target where it hurts, often when the damage is worst, i.e., in conjunction with other attacks, or when the blackmail target has experienced other personal difficulties. [6] If the target or participant against whom a stick is needed has proven himself or herself vulnerable (i.e., displayed character defects as described above in the context of carrots), these failings are used in order to break the target’s heart and will to fight or to scare the colleague, family member, friend or government system member into compliance or cooperation.

The sticks list includes everything from little assaults like parking tickets and dead animals on the target’s doorstep to largely-illegal, Cointelpro- or Enemy of the State- type weapons that we can only imagine exist: computer databases, programs and spyware (e.g., PROMIS and Echelon), nonlethal weapons, poisons, drugs, traffic accidents, suicides, burglaries, muggings, psychic assassinations and mind control methodologies of the type exposed by the Church Committee . [7]

Another major category of sticks is the use of audits, investigations and inquiries by governmental agents. In this regard, see the list compiled by Hamilton Securities in connection with its eight-year-long battle with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (available online at, referred to by the target, appropriately, as “Gideon” (Judges 6-9).

Finally, the list is not complete without mentioning the mother of all sticks against the target: character assassination through the press, whisper campaigns and legal documents. This weapon is insidious, because it puts the target in the position of a social outcast, thereby depriving him of the emotional support from family, friends and community so necessary to survive the swat assault.

Examples of Tactics Used by Prosecutors and Adverse Counsel
• Assign or delegate the investigation of the target to a highly political enforcement agency division and avoid involvement by a division that cannot be controlled
• Find a minor technical infraction, or make one up, and use administrative or common law offset or other means to seize funds owed to the target or held by third parties in trust for the target
• Issue overbroad subpoenae so that the target no longer has privacy in his financial, strategic and personal affairs and the burden shifts to the target to show that any materials in the target’s files and computers are not properly the subject of the discovery or investigation
• Send subpoenae to the target’s attorneys, relatives and everyone the target does business with in order to scare them
• Inform the target’s employees, contractors and other agents and family that if they fail to cooperate they could be subject to personal criminal and financial liability, including seizure of assets
• Seize laptops from the target’s employees and contractors and hold onto them as long as possible
• Seize equipment, software programs, tapes and other digital materials that are essential to the conduct of the target’s business or can be taken apart in a way that destroys their future usefulness
• Destroy the digital infrastructure of the target’s business and “lose” key proprietary documents, databases or software programs provided by the target under subpoena
• Reassign any investigators who appear sympathetic to the target, are about to recommend the government end a legal assault or appear to have concluded that the evidence does not support the legal assault
• Routinely promote or hire away prosecutors or other attorneys or investigators, thus providing plausible deniability by each participant in the offensive action (i.e., “That wasn’t on my watch”)
• Force the target into involuntary bankruptcy and appoint a bankruptcy trustee and/or bankruptcy judge who can be controlled by carrots or sticks, thereby attaining control over the target’s intellectual property [8]
• Join forces with the target’s insurance carrier to devise tactics for it to deny coverage for the hiring of experts (e.g., private detectives or specialized counsel)
• Join forces with the target’s insurance carrier in “squeeze plays” or other tactics to drain the target’s resources, leave the target without legal representation, force the target to settle on unfavorable terms or admit legal or moral culpability
• Set up the target on obstruction of justice charges
• Falsify evidence against the target
• Falsely charge the target with crimes he did not commit, thereby using up the target’s resources in the ensuing defense [9]
• Leak inaccurate and damning information to the media, plant false stories and suppress stories sympathetic or favorable to the target
• File a rambling “kitchen sink” complaint against the target that can be continually amended
• When the target successfully refutes one set of charges, amend any complaint or investigational laundry list to incorporate a whole new set of charges, complicating the defense and making it virtually impossible for the target’s counsel to identify key issues and for the news media to cover the case
• Issue secret subpoenae to the target’s bank for bank records and then search for “parking tickets” and opportunities to frame the target for new infractions

A significant number of the financially successful trial lawyers in this country begin their careers on the prosecutorial side. The Department of Justice alone employs more attorneys than any single American law firm. If each of such attorneys feels the need to distinguish himself, to earn notches on his gun, so to speak, from a successful “kill” record without disturbing the status quo, it is not difficult to follow the numbers and conclude that there are not enough real criminals to go around. In an economic market where there are too few high-paying, “big firm” jobs for too many experienced attorneys, and the Attorney General of the United States attempts to impose a rule that would exempt Department of Justice attorneys from state codes of ethics, [10] the temptation to lose sight of justice for the sake of one’s career may be understandable, if not excusable.

Examples of Tactics that Interfere with Legal Representation
• Remove existing counsel of the target by influencing target’s insurer to delay or refuse payments of agreed legal fees, then substitute counsel that can be controlled by the insurer or counsel that is new to the case, will not have pre-swat understanding of the target’s business and will require a lengthy period of orientation to the client’s unique fact situation
• Lure away the target’s attorney by providing him or her with new client business (which new business may conflict with representation of the target or take up the attorney’s time resources that could be devoted to the target’s case) or a new management committee that does not support continuation of the representation
• Prevent the target from hiring the most qualified or experienced experts by using the expert’s other clients to raise issues of conflicts of interest with the target’s case
• Threaten the target’s attorney with disbarment or sanctions
• Put pressure on the target’s attorney through the management committee of his or her law firm
• Lure away valued associates or other assistants of the target’s attorney with favorable job offers, thereby disrupting the case knowledge base
• Lead the target’s attorney to believe that legal or other harassment of a close associate (e.g., a secretary) is related to the target’s case
• At critical times in the case (e.g., when briefs are due or when subpoenae are issued or other offensive action is taken, requiring intense representation), put the target’s attorney in a bind with demands from another case (including causing the attorney to get new business)
• Gain access to communications with counsel through the use of taps on the target’s telephone lines or spyware on target’s email to in order to learn of weaknesses in target’s case and use the knowledge gained against the target as a means of harassment or litigation strategy
• Use “stick” weapons directly against the target’s attorney

In general, one of the most effective weapons to damage the legal relationship is to create fear and distrust between the client and attorney. In order for even the most noble and brave attorney to endure the above-described tactics, he must believe in the client and the cause represented. An attorney who does not hold these beliefs is putting his physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and professional life on the line for reasons that will ultimately weaken him and cause him or her to fail to represent the client with the boldness, honor and bravery required. This is not a job for the faint of heart or representation to be undertaken blithely.

Examples of Tactics Used within the Judicial System
• Influence the assignment of a judge to the case where the judge either has known prejudices that would adversely affect the target or the judge can be controlled by blackmail or other means (see above re: carrots and sticks) – hurt or threaten children
• Consolidate control over the judicial aspect of the swat so that a single or a small number of judges makes key decisions
• Influence the judge using carrots (e.g., campaign contributions to elected judges, the offer of things of value such as awards, “plum” assignments, distinctions, exclusive club memberships)
• Influence the judge using sticks (e.g., strange accidents involving close members of the judge’s family, meaningfully noted at the appropriately time so that the judge makes a connection to the case before him or her; raising issues of suitability at the time of a reappointment)
• Put an uncooperative judge in an untenable position by, for example, making unethical contacts, thereby forcing the judge to recuse himself or herself or otherwise withdraw from the case
• Remove an unwanted judge by appointing him or her to a higher court
• Assign the case to a judge/mediator for mediation, especially where the judge/mediator can be controlled through carrots or sticks
• Appoint a special master or trustee of the court to take possession of target’s documents or make discovery-related or other decisions related to the case, especially where the special master or trustee can be controlled through carrots or sticks
• Cause relevant files and proprietary information that is key to the target’s business, or evidence favorable to the target, to disappear, whether through denial of its very existence or through fire, explosion or other convenient disaster
• Provide the target’s insurer with arguments that will support denial of coverage for legal fees or damages
• Delay the case by dispatching the judge to a matter of overriding importance, such as providing emergency assistance in another circuit (especially useful where this can be done in the middle of the trial)
• Delay the case by assigning it to a judge who has too many cases to handle, or a judge in poor physical or mental health, or a judge who will take maternity leave or senior status in the near future
• Delay any case brought by the target or use up the target’s resources by raising “red herring” or technical issues (e.g., disputing that the requisites to court jurisdiction, such as exhaustion of administrative remedies, have been satisfied)
• Close the hearings to the media and public at large and classify incriminating documents by invoking the “state secrets” privilege [11]

I set forth the foregoing list without judging the judges: who among us can say with certainty what we would do for a stranger when the peace and safety of those we love and respect are threatened? Increasingly, our honest elected and appointed officials become subject to forces that dictate that they must make untenable choices between, for example, career and integrity, professional acceptance and a series of seemingly minor compromises, family and personal safety and accepting questionable legal theories. That said, imagine the dilemma of the target’s unsuspecting attorney when he comes to the realization that the judicial process is rigged against him. This, in a legal environment in which the highest legal official of a state has sought judicial sanctions against an attorney employed by a nonprofit public advocacy organization for filing a legal challenge, as provided by state statute, to an election process that has been questioned widely in the press and by several Members of Congress. [12]

Direct Assaults by the Swat Team on the Target and the Target’s Associates
• Brand the target as a criminal, homosexual, mental defective or conspiracy theorist or affix another label to render him a social pariah
• Follow and harass houseguests or friends after they have had contact with the target
• Raise issues as to the propriety of routine financial transactions, particularly those entered into with family members and others who might provide the target with financial and emotional support (subpoena of financial records of family members, get them to disassociate; alienate the target’s spouse)
• Provide financial opportunities, awards, promotions or other “carrots” to potential supporters of the target to distract their efforts to help or support, especially journalists or members of the media who are poised to expose dirty tricks or paint the target in a favorable light
• Get the target or supporter of the target fired from a job or otherwise remove his or her ability to provide financial support to family and self
• Blackball the target or the target’s attorney or supporter from employment through a whisper campaign or by other similar means
• Use every means possible to drain the target’s resources and, when the target has lost or used up the equity in his house, cashed in his retirement and spent his savings, hit the target with enormous cash demands and closely examine the target’s response for other opportunities to cause further damage (e.g., inspire a tax audit, cut off credit or alienate a financial supporter)
• Drive the target or the target’s supporters, counsel or family members to suicide or physical or emotional ruin through the use of physical, nonlethal or biological, psychic or other methods or weapons of harassment (e.g., flat tires, mysterious illnesses, “men in black cars,” missing appointment books, crashed computer systems, apparent road rage)
• Raise questions about the target’s personal or business affairs to other governmental, regulatory, administrative or other bodies having jurisdiction over the target’s personal or business affairs (e.g., anonymous complaints to a local children’s protective services agency, anonymous zoning or building complaints, IRS or local tax audits, inquiries by the Federal Elections Commission regarding campaign contributions by the target, “routine” contract and other audits), forcing the target to use up financial and time resources in responding
• Using carrots or sticks, get those who are in a contractual relationship with the target to cancel their contracts with the target (e.g., apartment or business leases, contracts for target to sell his house or business, business services contracts, nanny or personal services contracts) or decide not to enter into favorable contracts with the target
• Hack the target’s computer system with viruses and other damaging code; destroy the target’s computer system
• Get the bank or other secured creditor to screw the target -- steal money, cut off credit, pass on dirty or sensitive financial information, steal tax refunds
• Divide and conquer – keep individuals with similar experiences away from the target
• Plant a honey pot – someone who purports to be a renegade member of the opposing team but is in reality a swat team member placed in the target’s circle of influence in order to plant false evidence or otherwise undermine target’s credibility
• Limited hang-out – when the target successfully defends himself, use the “modified limited hang-out” to limit credibility (see, Catherine Austin Fitts, Scoop: “Will the Real Economic Hitmen Please Stand Up?” [ Also published by.. From the Wilderness])
• Leak inaccurate or damaging information to the media, plant false stories and suppress favorable stories about the target or stories exposing the swat
• Send deals to the target that never close
• Try to buy out the target’s company at less-than-fair-value, using squeeze plays or other nefarious means
• Use the target’s money and resources to bribe others to take actions against the target, all the while providing a “cover story” for the recipients of the bounty so that they do not have to admit to themselves they have been bribed

It goes without saying that it is a rare and courageous target who can survive, let alone flourish under, such assaults for a lengthy period of time. There will be more survivors in the future if members of the general public become aware of the game and provide financial, career and emotional support to the targets of the world notwithstanding the pressures placed upon them to join the swat team.

My initial assignment for this article was, as an attorney, to make a “short and sweet” list of dirty tricks I have seen used on the targets of covert operations who have decided to use the legal system to fight back. In the process of drafting the short and sweet list, which got longer and longer, I found that in order to make my dirty tricks list intelligible to the reader, I had to hint at the larger context in which the target conducts business and at some of the motivations for the actors who play roles in the bitter swat drama. That path led me with trepidation to suggest framing the swat in terms of the Seven Deadly Sins. I attempted in every way to avoid stating what has become, to me, obvious: this is spiritual warfare of the highest order. I was unsuccessful in my attempt. Having broken the lawyer’s secret code of political correctness, which states that it is a sin for an attorney to deal on a spiritual plane and confront the eye of the beast frontally and in unambiguous terms that a client might understand, I take the dialogue with you, dear reader, to the next level. In the spirit of full disclosure, I tell you I do not believe that the swat battle can have as its primary goal for the target the attainment of compensation for financial damages, the restoration of past social status and business reputation or retribution for wrongs committed. If this is how the target defines success, the target will lose. There must be a higher purpose.
It would be heartless of me to reveal “He Who Cannot Be Named” without suggesting that there are weapons in the target’s arsenal, too. Let me conclude by disclosing the good news and the bad news and leave further elaboration for another day. The good news is that there is a legal way to fight the evil forces of the swat team. The bad news is that way is largely spiritual.


1. Pen name.
2. Quoted from the “Seven Deadly Sins” website:
3. “Target” as used herein refers to this offending individual (a man or woman, although the masculine is used throughout this article for convenience) or company.
4. Orwell, George 1984 (New York: Random House, 1992).
5. Some sources suggest that politicians, in particular, are often lured with sexual favors into committing illegal acts for the express purpose of building a control file that can be used to blackmail the victim into using his or her power to achieve the goals of the control file holder. Cf. John DeCamp’s The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska (1996), which exposes a child sex ring in Omaha in the late 1980s that is alleged to have had among its members prominent local and national political figures.
6. The travails of Henry Cisneros, Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development during the Clinton Administration, come to mind. He was forced out of office allegedly for lying during his confirmation hearings as the amount of payments he had made to a former mistress. Later, during the investigation conducted by Special Prosecutor Barrett, allegations of tax fraud arose. Few who read the salacious stories at the time realized that as Secretary of HUD, Cisneros had made himself a target by attempting to institute reforms at the notoriously corrupt agency.
7. A collection of Church Committee documents can be found at
8. An apparent example of this tactic involves the PROMIS case involving a company named “Inslaw” that produced a powerful software program licensed to the Department of Justice. To read a lengthy online book about this interesting case, see, Carol Marshall, The Last Circle (1994) (available online at
9. This is what allegedly happened to Bill White, a distinguished former Naval officer, pilot and graduate of Annapolis and Harvard Business School, who made the mistake of entering into a business partnership in Houston with James Bath, a Bentsen and Bush family friend and Army pilot whom White says secretly represented influential Saudis (including Salem Bin Laden and Bin Mahfouz, of BCCI fame) in various real estate and other transactions, many of which were barred to non-US citizens. According to White, he was framed with respect to four criminal charges and sued in twenty-eight frivolous lawsuits when he refused to use the partnership’s business to commit fraud and attempted to disassociate with Bath. An interview of Bill White by Bob McKeon can be found using a Google search engine and typing in “Bill White + Bin Laden.”
10. In 1989, in connection with a dispute over whether Section 4.2 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, which prohibits a lawyer from communicating with a party known to be represented by counsel, applied to federal prosecutors, then Attorney General Thornberg issued a memorandum (dubbed the “Thornberg Memorandum”) stating that the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution barred the enforcement of ethics rules at state and local levels against federal prosecutors. In 1994, Attorney General Janet Reno codified this provision in the “Reno Regulation,” which subsequently was struck down by the Eigth Circuit in U.S. ex rel O'Keefe v. McDonnell Douglas Corp., 132 F.3d 1252 (1998). Current 28 CFR Part 77.3 incorporates the “McDade Amendment” to the Reno provision, which provides, “attorneys for the government shall conform their conduct and activities to the state rules and laws, and federal local court rules, governing attorneys in each State where such attorney engages in that attorney's duties, to the same extent and in the same manner as other attorneys in that State…”
11. Perhaps the best-known recent use of this tactic is in the case of Sibel Edmonds, a State Department contractor and whistleblower who tried to expose deficiencies and fraud within the system for translating potential evidence in terrorist investigations. See, James Ridgeway, “The Silencing of Sibel Edmonds,” The Village Voice (April 21, 2005).
12. This is a reference to the motion for sanctions filed by Ohio Secretary of State James Petro against Clifford Arnebeck, attorney for the contestors of the Ohio 2004 Presidential election, available at under “Motion for Sanctions.”

ON CHARGING AT WINDMILLS (and other things that might whack you)

ON CHARGING AT WINDMILLS (and other things that might whack you)

The other day, McJ put up a link to a story of a New Zealand journalist, Clare Swinney, who was incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital against her will for 11 days. She had written about the truth of 9/11 and had sent DVDs to television station personnel showing this truth. She also accused these people of lying about this truth. I felt very disturbed after reading this story because it brought to mind experiences of my own and of friends of mine who have fought for justice for themselves and others. These experiences don't match exactly Clare Swinney's, of course, but they are similar in that the weight of the State/Medical/Judicial/Police/Criminal complex has been brought down on me and my friends who are victims, supporters and/or whistle blowers. The results to varying degrees have included severe psychological stress and burnout; severe physical assaults and injuries and the loss of careers, health, money and freedom.

I mention the above experiences because I will be making some recommendations to people who are challenging the system (or may in the future) and some of these recommendations may sound risky or even dangerous. But I want to show that I am aware of the consequences of these actions and I don't recommend them lightly. They come from experience and I believe them to be, in fact, the safest way to handle “unwanted attention from the authorities”. These encounters are always scary. Don't kid yourself otherwise. But by preparing a strategy beforehand and adopting the attitude that in the immortal words of Jason Bourne, “this isn't just some story in a newspaper. This is real”, you will give yourself the best chance of maintaining the maximum level of power over your circumstances possible.

Clare Swinney repeated some of the mistakes that I have made and some that my friends have made in other situations. So I will use her story to illustrate what I am talking about. Of course, it would make it easier to follow my arguments and recommendations if you have read Clare's story beforehand. It, too, is rather long I'm afraid, so take a cut lunch with you but save a sandwich for when you get back here!

I am going to use Clare's testimony of her reactions and behaviours as examples of what not to do. There will be a few “shoulds” in my advice. I do not mean this in any way as a criticism of Clare. We all learn the hard way most of the time. I certainly have. Clare has published this account of hers, so I assume she wants others to use it and benefit. And full marks to her for doing so! This takes courage. Though this scenario deals with a psychiatric committal, the tactics and advice can be generalised to many other threatening situations. Whether you agree with my points or not, I hope you will have benefited from thinking through this situation in advance.
So on to Clare's story then:-

Two social workers lobbed on Clare's front door step unannounced and wanted her to accompany them to a psychiatric hospital for assessment. She went with them: this is her first mistake. Instead of going with them, she should have asked to see the committal order. If none is forthcoming she should have gone back inside, closed the door and called a lawyer to get his/her arse down there asap. Never go with anyone against your will unless you have been arrested.

Secondly, never let anyone into your home unless they are a friend or they have a search warrant. It doesn't matter what your neighbours might think about 'white coats' or police standing outside your door! From this point onward, it is much more important what you think of yourself rather than what the neighbours might think of you. Non co-operation would have saved the day for Clare.

If and when you get a lawyer to turn up, you do not ask for advice so much as give him/her instructions. You tell them to go out there and get rid of the cops (or social workers) by asking to see the court order authorising your arrest, should you not have asked for this already and/ or not been shown it. They either have it or they don't. If they don't have it and your lawyer wants to negotiate with whomever is harassing you, ring for another lawyer. I'm serious. Lawyers, for the most part in my experience, are incompetent or have interests opposed to yours, or both. I'll come back to lawyers later.

Clare went on to say, “ I asked if my flatmate, Brian Kennedy could come with us and attest that I was fine and most certainly not suicidal.
I picked up my bag and appropriate evidence for the meeting.”

You don't have to prove you are not suicidal. They have to show you the authority to take you into custody. If they have that authority and you go with them, then it is the 'authorities' that have to prove they are justified in their treatment of you. Taking her magazine, Clare thought this would show she is not mistaken in her assertions re 9/11, therefore not insane and therefore not suicidal (all incorrect connections there i.e. mistakeness does not equate with insanity and insanity does not equate with suicidality). This worked against her because it distracted her from the issue of whether she was suicidal or not and allowed her oppressors later to avoid it, too.

It is important to establish what the issue is and keep this foremost in your mind.

Clare in taking the magazine is focusing on defending herself rather than demanding the social workers defend what they are doing i.e. the legality of the situation. Understandable enough, of course, if you are caught totally by surprise and haven't thought this possibility through beforehand. Never-the-less, it is her second mistake. The point, again, is to not co-operate with these people. It is in their interests to surprise you and rush you through their “process”. Never co-operate no matter what they threaten you with. These people are not on your side and never will be. They are paid by the State and you have to assume they will always do what they are told. That is what they are trained to do, after all. If they are rushing you or threatening you, count on whatever they want you to do as being totally against your interests, at the very least, and most probably illegal.

Two police turned up hot on the heels of the social workers. Police presence always implies the threat of arrest. People naturally want to avoid that and so tend to comply with whatever else the police might want to avoid being thought of as, or being treated as, a criminal. But you've already gone past that point. Never talk to the police under any circumstances. This is nicely reinforced by this law professor's talk via Distant Ocean (thanks for the link, Winter) giving many more reasons than I had ever thought of. Be sure to watch part 2 as well.

In Australia and the US, and I would assume in New Zealand, too, you do not have to talk to the police, period. They can threaten arrest, of course. Here's where you do something different. You say, “What's the charge?” You've called them on their threat. They will either back down and then have to leave or they will arrest you at which point you do not have to talk with them, anyway. If the police arrest you, you can be sure they were going to do it all along despite whatever else they might say. They have a license to lie, and they do. Some of them wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up out of their soup. Never rely on anything the police say. Check everything if and when you can.

The story continues,-
“At Whangarei Hospital, Brian and I were transferred into Ward 7, which is a secure, locked up area, and then herded into a meeting room, where we waited for several nail-biting minutes before the middle-aged psychiatric registrar, Dr Mothafar Abass entered and introduced himself. In a rather detached fashion, he advised that he would be conducting my suicide risk assessment, and then hurried through it, as if he was pressed for time.
Mindful that this was to determine whether I was to be committed under the Mental Health Act, I found his manner disturbing to say the very least. He didn’t appear to fully understand me, nor did he give me sufficient time to explain myself to a level appropriate for this kind of evaluation, and in one instance, he even spoke over me in a rush to get to the next question.”

What's wrong here? Clare is talking again. She is co-operating with the doctor: This is the third mistake. Clare doesn't realize she is slipping the noose over her own head here. She doesn't realize that the pompous fart interviewing her can't put the noose over her head himself. He needs her to do it for him. To that end, he's rushing her and not allowing her to think- “nor did he give me sufficient time to explain myself to a level appropriate for this kind of evaluation, and in one instance, he even spoke over me in a rush to get to the next question.”

To get a committal order, you need a doctors signature. Ordinarily the doctor signing the order is the treating doctor known to the 'patient'. What is going on here is this tool is establishing himself as the treating doctor. He can't do that without her co-operation. He subsequently detained her using her own words (after twisting them) as the justification. It is clear now that the social workers arrived on Clare's doorstep without a committal order. Again, non co-operation would have saved the day for Clare.

Clare describes sending 9/11 DVDs to teevee personnel and that this brought on the unwanted attention. Well, this is what is going to happen. Not only was she appealing to the wrong people (they are on the other side's team) but she was making a highly visible target of herself. I can only assume she thought the troubles were with a few “rogue elements” in the system not the whole system in its totality. Understanding the complete corruption of the whole system is vital to your longevity if you want to fight it. Automatically trusting police, lawyers, the legal system, media, psychologists and psychiatrists has led to a lot of grief for myself and friends. Believe me, it is all connected at the top and pressure can be brought down on anyone within the system. And the system includes all government departments and organisations, all corporations, most religious organisations and many community organisations and anyone dependent on any of them. Doesn't leave a lot, does it?

Clare then goes on to describe threatening emails and the threatening presence and behaviour of someone she believed (probably correctly) to be a member of the the government's 'intelligence' agency (SIS). The thing with threats of the nature that Clare describes is that if you were of enough trouble to them, you would just wake up dead one morning! Killing people is a hassle, though, even for the SIS, and there is always risk involved. Killing people also tends to make martyrs 'for the cause,' which is a cost to the system which needs to be weighed against the benefits. Killing people also tells many others surrounding the victim that there is an alternative world going on that is very different to the one on teevee and in the newspapers and to the one they were taught in school. The PTB do not want to break this spell. Their real purpose in intimidating people is to cause panic, to stop the activist doing whatever they were doing, or to continue on but in a fearful manner and upsetting their own judgement so much that they then aid in their own downfall.

If you are an activist and you are being threatened, and if you find yourself extremely fearful as a result, but you still feel committed to carrying on, I would advise you to beat a strategic retreat instead. At least until you feel confident in your ability to handle stressful encounters and think straight. If in doubt, take a break if you can, anyway. You don't want to be your own worst enemy. It's no disgrace. It's stupid to fight when you can't win and have a lot to lose when you have the option of walking away and saving your fight for another day.

Clare said further on:-
“Although I tried to get Dr Abass to listen to me about the context my statement was made in, my hopes sunk like a submarine when his body language indicated he’d stopped listening to me and his resolve to commit me was rapidly gathering momentum. . . .

. . . Nonetheless, to my horror, at my assessment’s completion, Dr Abass told me I would be held in the secure unit under the Mental Health Act for 5 days for further assessment. And as if this news wasn’t bad enough, he told me I hadn’t been threatened, I had misinterpreted the messages and that was because I was suffering from a delusional disorder. He said he was prescribing antipsychotic medication to combat this problem and as I was depressed, he told me I should go on a course of antidepressants also.”

If Clare had not talked to the doctor nor shown him the threatening emails, how would he be able to declare her delusional? If he can't determine she is delusional, how can he prescribe anti psychotic drugs? Without the anti psychotic drugs, it is much harder to manipulate Clare, which is the whole point of the exercise, after all.

Not understanding the all pervasiveness of the corruption of the system, Clare still expected common sense to prevail: the fourth mistake. She did not understand that this was all planned and that the personnel she would be dealing with would have been worded up as to what to do in advance. It's all a piece of theatre . . . . and she played her part on cue, as anyone would without prior knowledge of what is going on. If you ever find yourself being 'railroaded', expect everybody with authority that you think might help you to be “in on the gig”. Never co-operate. Don't play your part because they need you to play your part for it to work. If it were me in this situation, I'd hope I'd be stating simply and as calmly as I could manage that I will not be co-operating as I believe I am being held illegally and I will be seeking redress. If Clare had had enough alertness to the real situation, she might have asked, “have you been threatened over your residency status here in New Zealand by anyone, doctor?”, and sat back and enjoyed the 'stunned rabbit in the headlights' look! Who knows, she might have also given him that little look that says, “the gig's up, sport. I'm gonna tan your hide and hang it on the fence!”

At a minimum, you try and look like you are in control of yourself. They rely on you not being in control your emotions and therefore not in control of your thinking.

The next phase went like this-
“As a polite way of telling the staff to “piss off and leave me alone,” shortly after arriving I stuck a notice above my bed: ‘WHILE MY HUMAN RIGHTS ARE BEING COMPROMISED LIKE THIS, PLEASE DO NOT EXPECT ME TO PARTAKE IN ANY SO-CALLED “TREATMENT”.’ Of course, it didn’t work. At night-time, I was forced to take Risperidone, a mind-altering medication administered to treat schizophrenia.”

Clare made a threat she did not enforce: the fifth mistake. Never make a threat you are not prepared to, or not able to, go through with. If you don't follow through then you lose respect in others' eyes and worse, you lose respect in your own eyes. Self respect is vital for survival in situations like this. It's far better to not make any specific threats; just do it if you are going to. What Clare did was warn the medical staff so they could prepare for the encounter in advance.

If you put the pills in your mouth and swallow them, it is much harder to convince a jury later that you were forced to take them than if you were held and injected with the 'medication'. The staff will know this. If anybody makes an overt threat to you, you have to “call 'em” on it. In this case, Clare should have called their threat to inject her by not co-operating. You cannot lose. Either they will inject you forcibly or they will not. If they don't, you have had a major win. If they do you will be forcing the staff to face squarely what they are doing. One or more may crumble in the face of this. You will also be in a better position later if you are able to sue them, as I have said. Even if you don't sue in the future, you will be better off in the present because you haven't “ratted out ” on yourself. By putting the pills in your mouth, you are agreeing to their abuse. That makes you complicit in it. You are telling them that it is okay. It consequently undoes your self respect. Better to resist and keep your self respect than to not resist at all and lose your self respect. Without self respect, you are weaker and much more vulnerable.

This whole scenario is about dominating your mind. Don't co-operate in it. State again as firmly but as calmly as you can that you do not agree with the treatment and you believe it is illegal and you will be seeking redress. (Don't say how. Though this is a threat, it is non specific. Leave it open and don't be drawn into discussing it. It's purpose is to sow doubt. Being non specific, it will better play on the fears of those not committed to the system. These will be the lowest ranks and if anybody is going to help you it will be the lower ranks, not the supervisors who have more to lose by bucking the orders from on high. It may be humiliating to be held down and injected but it won't be as humiliating as taking the pills yourself (voluntarily) and then looking back later and seeing how you caved in mentally.
The more Clare co-operates the more control she loses.

The next day, Clare is talking to the head psychiatrist, the medication is having its desired (by the doctors and those behind them) effect-
“In a beleaguered manner, as the Risperidone was making me drowsy, I tried to describe my frightening ordeal and show him my e-mails and my article, Why Does TVNZ Lie to Us About 9/11? but he wouldn’t even spare 10 seconds to lean over and look at them. He said he didn’t want to hear about them and told me I was “delusional” because I believed 9/11 was an inside job."

Because Clare had started out defending herself instead of demanding her assailants defend their actions, she is off on the wrong foot in tackling the psychiatrist. The issue is about her suicidality not delusional thinking. She has let him control the discourse. This is a repeat of the third mistake; co-operating with the doctor and his narrative/agenda. She is reacting all the time and on the backfoot. You can't win from there. If you let your opponent control the narrative, you lose. By not co-operating, by not talking except to say you are being held illegally, you control the narrative and the interaction, though it may not seem like it at first. Again, she would have been much better off simply stating that she believes she has been detained illegally and that she will be seeking redress. And that's it.

You get what you want by posing the possibility that it will be more painful for them to continue to hold you than to release you. Raising the illegality issue puts him on notice. You have to assume that all 'authorities' in this situation have been leaned on, i.e. there will be penalties for them if they don't work against your interests. Appealing to their supposed good natures is not a winning strategy. Appealing to their sense of self preservation is.

All the apparatchiks in these hierarchies know that if the shit hits the fan people like them will be the first to be fed into this same fan if it all gets too hard to protect the higher ups. It's worth remembering that what they are doing is illegal and they know it. You don't have to get their agreement to anything you say. Don't get into a conversation. You just need to put it out there. You just need to hear yourself say it. You just need him to hear it. You are asserting the truth of the situation, your own mental strength and sanity. After this point, the less you say the better and by doing so the more you are in charge of not only yourself but anyone who tries to interact with you.

The story then progresses to a legal hearing. It is notable that the issue for the doctors at the hearing (and unfortunately for Clare, her own father, too) is delusional thinking and only towards the end does Clare introduce the fact that the issue is suicidality. What she finds out later (and not from her lawyer) is that she was, indeed, being held illegally.

Also notable is that the junior doctor reneged on his support for Clare when it was show time. And so did her own lawyer. This is worth repeating – and so did her own lawyer! This is not uncommon. People forget that even though you pay your lawyer, you, as a client, will be gone very soon but the lawyer needs to live on within the system for years to come. This is the sixth mistake. Many (if not most) lawyers will defer to the system and those in charge rather than do what they are payed for – defend you and your interests to the bitter end. There's also straight out incompetence, of course. Lawyers know that most clients haven't a clue what their lawyer should be doing for them and therefore have no way to assess their performance except for reflecting back on that sickening feeling the client gets walking out of the hearing or the court afterwards of, “WTF happened in there!!"

So, to sum up:-
Don't let anyone other than friends into your house without a warrant.
Never talk to the police or anybody attempting to function with that power under any circumstances.
Never go with anybody against your will unless you have been arrested
and then-
Never co-operate in your own hanging. Force them to use force.
Always call them on their threats towards you.
Never make threats in return unless they are vague, lawful and down the line time wise.
Save everything you have till you get to court. Assume that is where you are going.
If you are reasonably intelligent and articulate, defend yourself. Pay lawyers for advice (and check it) but never let them talk for you at a hearing or in court.

Oh, and never sign anything!

Your greatest ally in circumstances like Clare Swinney's is your own sense of worth. You preserve it best by resisting their mental domination. And the best and ultimately safest way to do that is through non co-operation with your oppressors and making sure some sensible ally of yours knows of your situation.

Or the Readers Digest version, - KKK:-
Keep breathing,
Keep thinking and
Keep your mouth shut!

There's a couple of counter intuitive statements in the foregoing I know and I haven't explained everything because of space, so questions are welcome.

Lookout, Obama! The Peace Train Goes Sailing Around Martha's Vineyard

Martha's Vineuard is abuzz over a presidential visit for which locals are even sporting caps featuring an image of the presidential pooch. According to The Times of London, the presidential vacation comes at a time when Obama is also catching "a cold wave of unrest" from the right.

Out of the discussion, as always, are much more reality-based criticisms coming from the left. I do not expect the corporate media news to mention anti-war protests in conjunction with the presidential family's vacation -- or in any other fashion, for that matter. Nonetheless:

Cindy Sheehan is inviting other proponents of peace to join her for a sail! It's to be a "shipboard peace summit" and if you read anything about it at all, it'll probably be at some low-traffic blog or another.

I invite you to read the whole piece here and / or comment below.

That'll Be The End Of That

I don't like clamping down here, but sometimes it is necessary.

Today I have deleted several comments and locked out a (former) user.

From now on new rules apply.

Irrelevant, offensive or otherwise inappropriate comments may be deleted at any time, with no explanation.

Commenters who persist in posting irrelevant, offensive or inappropriate comments may be locked out at any time, with no explanation.

That is all.

Drowning In A Giant Cesspool I: Consultation

Hi. Can I help you?

I hope so, Doc! I really do.

What seems to be the problem?

I suffer from a recurring ... sensation ... that I'm drowning ...

That's not uncommon.

... in a giant cesspool!

Well, that is uncommon. Why do you say "a giant cesspool"?

Why don't you read the piece and find out ... and then comment below if you like:

In the meantime, . . .

there's this great article up on ZNet called "World Can't Be Changed Without Fighting Western Propaganda" By Andre Vltchek. (I came across it via Palestinian Think Tank).

"In a way, control of information is now much more complete in the United States or UK or Australia than it was in the 1980s in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, or Poland. There is no "hunger for truth"".. . . .

"In the meantime, while our intellectuals are collaborating with power and getting rewarded for their efforts, great parts of the world are bathed in blood, starving, or both. Collaboration and the silence of those who know or should know is partially to blame for the present state of the world.' . . . .

"I think about all successful revolutions of the past - they all have one common pre-condition: education and information. In order to change things, people have to know the truth. They have to know their past." . . . .

The comments are interesting, too. They get sidetracked into discusing Orwell's attitudes until Keith Harmon Snow brings things back to the topic and reality with a thump in his comment entitled, "Consuming Propaganda, Creating Mental Illness".
From his comment-
"What is most stunning is the extent to which people who otherwise should or could know better are influenced by propaganda and, therefore, lost, but who believe falsely that they are not influenced, and found. This can be equated with imperialism but more precisely with white supremacy."

Both the article's author, Andre Vltchek and Keith Harmon Snow touch on the insidious nature of propoganda in its ability to infect our thinking without our becoming aware of it.
I have read of studies that have shown that even after victims of mind control have become aware of the exact nature of the abusive treatment they have undergone, often still think the implanted thoughts are their own. (I have found this to be true in my own experience.)

A common example of this can be had when listening to people regurgitate the nightly news as if they understood the history, facts and logic that led to the 'headline' or 'bottom line' that they saw and heard last night. They just repeat what they heard and never giving a thought to the fact that they have never given a thought to what they heard or what they are now saying.

Robotic thinking. Mind control is an everyday experience.

Ummm . . . ah, have I ever mentioned that throwing out the teevee would be good for your mental health? smiling

Pot, meet Kettle

Anti-Semitism is a furphy, of course. Its purposes are not only to intimidate the opponents to Zionism and to win further concessions from their supporters but also, and perhaps most importantly, to distract peoples' attention from the fundamental issue (perhaps 'outrage' would be a better word). It's about what doesn't get talked about.

I am referring to the issue of Zionist racism that is the foundation of all that's wrong in Palestine and a good deal of what is wrong in the rest of the world, particularly the war zones. Underpinning the Zionist racism is the "exclusiveness" that is fundamental to the ethos of the "Chosen People" in the Hebrew Bible and the Talmud.

Exclusivism cannot work in its own isolation, though (which, of course, presents the cure for it). So it inevitably sets up various versions of economic and political 'one-way valves' whereby assistance and resources are sought from 'the outside' but nothing is given back. This becomes exploitation and is destructive to all involved. In the end, it can only be sustained through violence, threats of violence and deception as to what is really happening. A life of lies inevitably leads to a life of insanity. But eventually the deception must be seen through and then the end comes, albeit, often violently.

The concluding paragraphs from the above linked (Via Nobody) article read:-

"Although overly lengthy for a standard internet article the import of Dave Kirsting’s message is vital to gaining the required insight necessary for a full understanding of both the gravity of what has been occurring in Palestine over the past six decades and the reason why it has prevailed for such a disastrously and unacceptably long period.
Dave’s thesis gives both form and substance to the undeniable fact that in order to fully comprehend the dynamics of political Zionism’s imminent and deadly danger to the world at large we must frame it within its legitimate context – that being the crucial recognition that political Zionism is, first and foremost, a racist ideology and a mindset or paradigm which can never peacefully co-exist with any other multi-ethnic, pluralistic society anywhere upon the face of the planet. As such it cannot be allowed to continue in present form. This demands the dismantling of its fundamental ideological infrastructure for the good of the rest of humanity. If such actions do not occur within a reasonable amount of time the result may be a terminal state of chaos and destruction well beyond the already unacceptable levels we’re now witnessing in war-ravaged Gaza."

I commend this article to you. It is long as mentioned and takes a little while to get into its stride but gets better as you read on. It also contains a valuable discussion on how peace activism is manipulated. Though it is not discussed directly, you will see how peace activism is cynically used to isolate the general Jewish population and drive them into the arms of the Zionists.
The link again-

Obama's Pakistan Campaign: Brilliant President Plus Smart Bombs Equal Humanitarian Success

It says:

"Of all the presidents in the history of our great nation, only Obama The Wonderful has managed to turn America's awesome firepower into a healing force."

But please don't slag me until you've read the whole piece! Wink

Anti-Semitism In Action: UK Lowers Terror Threat Level; Guardian Reports On The Change

Is anti-Semitism on the rise? You bet it is, and for good reason. It's well-funded.

Please read the entire piece here, and/or comment below.

newjesustimes's picture

History Lesson Open Thread

I was thinking about JFK and what we were taught in school. And my mind went back to something that had fascinated me at the time; a filmstrip we were shown in i believe it was 4th grade around 1978, that featured many apparently remarkable coincidences between the assassinations of Lincoln and JFK. It was written from the point of view of the official story. I believe it also noted that every president elected in a year ending in 0 had died while still in office. Why was such a film made and shown to schoolchildren? What concept was it attempting to introduce or reinforce? Strange stuff in retrospect - I'd be curious to see it again now.

One thing about history class (at least when I was in the fine American public education system) that bugged me was how we seemed to be using a curriculum written in 1955. The most interesting stuff to me was what the heck's been going on recently. But we spent weeks and months on the French and Indian war, the American revolution, Spanish American War, the Civil War, The Great War, and WWII. Then with about a week left in the school year, the teacher might ramble about the red scare and Korean conflict.

Well what about Vietnam? How did we get there, why did so many guys die there, what the hell was it all about? Maybe it was too sensitive a topic for kids to take home to their families. Or maybe we really were just using a 1950s curriculum. I've learned a lot since then. All about how Jim Morrison of the Doors's father ran into some made up trouble in the Gulf of Tonkin. Truth certainly seems far stranger than fiction.