
Hegel and Pavlov Go to Wimbledon

Hegel and Pavlov Go to Wimbledon: or watching tennis and the gentle art of brainwashing.

Ray McGovern has written a follow-up, "A Neocon Preps US for War with Iran" to his piece that I commented on in my previous post. This, too, is artfully contrived and instructive, I think, as a window into the world of mass mind control or social engineering.

Social engineering (otherwise known as brainwashing or mind control) relies on two major techniques as far as I can tell: learning through association (made famous by Pavlov - and his dogs) and restricting the “field of view'. In other words, controlling the apparent options to choose from with one, at least, presented as the 'good' option (made famous by the followers of Hegel and known as the Hegelian Dialectic). This later technique is recognised as the double bind when no options are presented as 'good'.

In all cases control is the key and using the victims own mind and nature against her or him. If these techniques can be applied whilst associated with pain or, failing that, fear, then so much the better as they will not only bypass the critical thinking faculties of the victims but will be embedded deeper into the psyche because of the thought's association with physical body memory and sensations.

It is our nature, for instance to learn by associating two events close in time. This is known as correlation. Often the two events have a causative link such as touching a stove and experiencing a burning sensation. But correlation is not always the same as causation and this can be used against the mind.

So back to Mr McGovern. He has used these same techniques to 'mess' with our minds. McGovern sets out apparently to demolish Jeffrey Goldberg. This journalistic contest is over the presumed imminent military attack on Iran. It can be seen that McGovern and Goldberg are both engaging in a little Hegelian Dialectic here; together they are providing both sides of some of the aspects of the argument and are thereby 'restricting the view'. McGovern is playing tennis with Goldberg and engaging the audience with point, counter point and keeping the audience from looking past the field of play. The topic is framed in terms of local Middle-East politics with the US as an almost innocent bystander rather than in global terms and the US as the major belligerent and threat to world peace.

The US government is portrayed as being almost benign now that Bush and the neocons such as James Woolsey and those horrid CIA analysts responsible for the 'bad intel' justifying the Iraq War are no longer on the scene. Poor Obama is left with this legacy, though, and is working against the interests of Israel. We know this because McGovern tells us that Goldberg has said Obama is unpopular in Israel. So all this means that all you Democrat voters out there can continue to have faith in the system. No need to look elsewhere.

McGovern uses word association to correlate two dissimilar events. He quotes Woolsey using the word 'blockbuster' in connection with an obvious lie and then McGovern uses this same word, blockbuster, to cast doubt by association on Iraq's guilt in connection with the gassing of Kurds in Halabja i.e. that it, too, is a lie and suggesting Iran was to blame instead.

So, from Pavlov and 'association', we go back to Hegel and his dialectic and our tennis analogy. McGovern is co-operating with Goldberg to put on a spectacle and distracting us from the bigger picture. Wimbledon is not staged each year to determine the best tennis player in the world. That is not the “WHY” of it. When we expand our view, we can see it is staged by financiers and promoters to make money and perhaps aggrandise themselves. Same here with Middle East wars!

But before we move on to this larger arena, let's have a brief look at what McGovern is trying to do within this Middle East context. If you read his article with the above in mind, I believe you will see he is trying to put these following ideas in to peoples heads -

1. that Iran was responsible for gassing the Kurds during the Iraq/Iran War (started by Iraq at the urging of the US).
2. that Iran will therefore be open to using chemical warfare in the future.
3. that Iran was, indeed, working on a nuclear weapon technology in the past prior to 2003.
4. that, therefore, it could well do so again in the future.
5. that these two indicators of Iranian thinking and motivation justify Israel's attitude to Iran.
6. that Goldberg's assertions regarding Iran have merit because McGovern does not contest them but merely restates them and thus giving them more 'airtime'.
7. that a valid and overarching reason for not engaging Iran in war is fear that the US might not win (never mind all the innocent lives lost and destroyed – and for what?!)
8. I could go on!!

Goldberg and McGovern are playing a game that parties to the 'Two Party Political System” play all over the Western “democratic” world. It is a controlled contest to 'restrict the view' and provide a limited options menu to 'choose' from or vote for. The political 'Hegelian Dialectic', keeping the ball in play but within prescribed boundaries to distract us and condition us through fear.

So what's the wider view here? It is of an increasingly turbulent and violent world and the principal perpetrators of this violence are the Pentagon (together with Ray McGovern's CIA), NATO and Israel. The Pentagon has superseded the government of the US and NATO has superseded the United Nations. These two military bodies, together with Israel are ultimately controlled by bankers (through such bodies as CFR -where the Generals are members-, Chatham House and Bilderbergers) and therefore they can be reasonably seen to be carrying out their agenda. And that agenda is world dominion by any and all means. The obstacles to this complete domination, I believe, are (in descending order) China, a resurgent Russia, Iran and an equally resurgent Latin America focussed around ALBA (the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas). The Principal members of ALBA are Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Nicaragua. Honduras was a member until the US sponsored coup there and Haiti was an 'observer' and recipient of aid from ALBA until the US invasion there, too. El Salvador has begged off joining since the Honduran coup.

A pattern can be seen regarding the Pentagon led hostilities world wide. Military intervention is swift against the weakest members of this 'Axis of the Unwilling' which is typical bullying behaviour. And threats and prolonged intimidation are used against those that can defend themselves in the hope of eroding their capacity and will to fight over time by exhausting them through psychological stress. (WP's chess analogy is very useful here in understanding this 'war of nerves').

The US/NATO is engaged in a long and lengthy process of encircling both China and Russia to choke them politically and economically and it is far from complete. So I don't think they are by any means ready to launch WW3 yet. Besides, Europe is still dependant on Russian oil and gas. Hence, the pressure on getting the uneconomic Nabucco pipeline into operation.

Therefore, with all this in mind, I do not think that a military attack on Iran (which would very likely involve Russia, at least) is imminent. However, the drive for world domination continues and I think a military attack is far more likely against Nicaragua instead. All the noise (including McGovern's writings) and sabre rattling at Iran is serving the double purpose of not only exhausting everybody's psychological strength but also distracting everybody away from the Caribbean. The US is right now in the process of extending it's military control down through Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean to South America and, of course, Venezuela. The US Air Force now has unrestricted access to Mexican air space, for instance.

The most likely excuse for the military intervention in Nicaragua (if it eventuates) will be the “War on Drugs”. It must be remembered that the Pentagon controls the growing and distribution world wide at one stage or another of 90% of the worlds heroin. So the heroin that is coming into the United States and is the reason for the drug wars in Mexico with all it's appalling carnage, is ultimately being provided and controlled by the US military. My estimate is that it is being transported from Afghanistan to Manas Air Base in Kyrgyzstan and from there to Costa Rica where C130 Hercules are a common sight at it's two major airports. There it is likely handed on to criminal/terrorist gangs with political cover to make its bloody way north through Central America and Mexico and into the US causing social destabilisation and political corruption all the way and laying the ground work for military intervention. The US Navy recently moved its Gulf of Mexico fleet to Costa Rica.

Heroin can be seen as a weapon of war. Indeed, Russia, China, Iran and now even Costa Rica have huge and growing drug problems and the attendant social destruction and political weakening. This heroin comes from Afghanistan courtesy of the US Armed Forces who are ever ready to apply their violent solutions to the violence and destruction they deliberately create in the first place.

Again, heroin is being used as a weapon of war and, ultimately, as a tool for world dominion. Of course, legalising heroin use would undo all this! Though, economic and social justice would largely eliminate the need for it. But then, economic and social injustice is the whole point, isn't it?

For background reading, I can recommend Mike Whitney's, “Is the CIA behind Mexico's Bloody Drug War?” (Read “Pentagon/CIA” for “CIA” to get my understanding of it all)
And here are three articles, all from Rick Rozoff-
"Twenty Years After End of The Cold War: Pentagon's Buildup I Latin America"

"Central Asia: U.S. Military Buildup On Chinese, Iranian And Russian Borders"

And for confirmation of Israel's Air defence being in US/NATO's hands and therefore giving the lie to Israel's ability to start a war with Iran on it's own, see-
"Israel: Forging NATO Missile Shield, Rehearsing War With Iran"

War by Memorandum

Recently, Kenny's Sideshow posted an article on various warnings of an impending unilateral military strike against Iran by Israel. Featured was an article entitled "MEMORANDUM FOR: The President written by Ray McGovern and Phillip Giraldi, both former CIA officers, and a video interview of Michel Chossudovsky being questioned on the concerns raised by the McGovern/Giraldi article. I believe this article is disinformation and Chossudovsky in his interview provides the key to start the unlocking process. (This interview is also featured at Twelfth Bough) That key is the fact that the military command structures of Israel, NATO and the US are all integrated.

This should not come as a surprise if one thinks about the possiblity (likelyhood) of war with Iran escalating into WW3. It is what you would expect because the US and NATO would want to be able to operate on a co-ordinated world-wide basis. So a number of things flow on from this fact.
It is actually impossible for Israel to start a war without-

1. Any hope of doing it without forewarning the US
2. Any hope of continuing it by themselves
3. Any hope of having co-ordinated defence of Israel ready for implementation because they have acted outside prearranged plans
4. Any hope of being included in on going and future planning as they are now a wildcard actor

McGovern and Giraldi would be fully conversant with all this. Yet, they behave as if-

1. It is of no importance (untrue)
2. Obama and the Joint Chiefs of Staff would not be aware of this (untrue)
3. The public readership is largely unaware of this (probably true)

So who is the intended audience here? Obviously the public and that is so often the case with these “open letters”. It's a rhetorical device and, though it is reasonably open itself, it never-the-less works to deceive at more subtle levels. It tends to frame the readers understanding of the apparent target of the letter's perceptions and power regarding the issue; in this case, Obama and his position and power as 'Supreme Commander' and that this undeclared war on Iran is a part of a whole.

I believe the purpose of the letter is to place the following ideas in the minds of the public-

1. That Israel can, and likely will, act alone to start the war with Iran (which it can't)
2. That the US will be obligated, indeed, 'left with no choice' but to enter the war and 'finish it' (which it isn't)
3. That Israel will be completely to blame (which it won't be)
4. That Obama is the ultimate controlling figure here. (which he isn't)
5. That there is no higher co-ordinating power than the political leaders of these two respective countries and that there isn't another agenda (which, inductively, there obviously is on both points)
6. That there is no agenda for world dominion and that it has not been in play for some years now (which is also obviously the case on both points)
7. That this can all be stopped by writing to your local congressman or congresswoman. (which won't do shit)
8. That Israel is the most dangerous of the the three belligerents. (which it isn't) The other two, of course, being NATO and the US.
9. Paint US leaders, past and present, as being repeatedly duped by Israeli leaders and not having their own agenda or more to the point, not having their own marching orders as have the various Israeli leaders over the decades (which, again inductively, they clearly have)
10. Nuclear power is the issue and not oil or oil sales in $US

I have not included the article from McGovern and Giraldi as i was originally intending. I was going to inject my comments into it pointing out the multiple inaccuracies but decided it would fast become tedious and these inaccuracies would likely be obvious now (if not before!) if I have made good my points above.

The question has been raised before and I think it is worth considering again, “Is there any such thing as an ex-CIA agent?”
And given their various oaths of secrecy and loyalty, how is it that the members of VIPS (listed below) can run with the 'opposition' on the net in apparent direct opposition to the interests of government on 'National Security matters' for so long?

Steering Group, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

Phil Giraldi, directorate of operations, CIA (20 years)
Larry Johnson, directorate of intelligence, CIA; Department of State, Department of Defense consultant (24 years)
W. Patrick Lang, colonel, USA, Special Forces (ret.); Senior Executive Service: defense intelligence officer for Middle East/South Asia; director of HUMINT Collection, Defense Intelligence Agency (30 years)
Ray McGovern, U.S. Army intelligence officer; directorate of intelligence, CIA (30 years)
Coleen Rowley, special agent and Minneapolis division counsel, FBI (24 years)
Ann Wright, colonel, U.S. Army Reserve (ret.), (29 years); Foreign Service officer, Department of State (16 years)

At the end of that great Irish film, "The Commitments", the main character looks in the mirror (as I am figuratively doing, now) and asks himself, "But, what does it all mean, Jimmy?"

He then answers himself, "I'm fooked if I know"!

I have listed lots of things I think the authors are trying to do with the article but the big question is "Why go to the trouble and why now?" Unless, of course, they really mean to . . . . No. . . They wouldn't would they?
Folks, your thoughts would be welcome.

Here is the link to the article, "MEMORANDUM FOR: The President" again.

newjesustimes's picture

End War

Open Thread - anybody out there, what's on your mind?
if only we could, let's end all war tonight.

'Genetic Damage' In Fallujah: The BBC Reports

There's a new post at my main blog.

Thus the truth about horrible crimes burns itself into the consciousness of the multitudes.

You can read it there and/or comment here.

I hope to be back with more before too long.

The World At War: AFRICOM vs. Ghana in the Round of 16

Surely a battered old man with a broken heart can have a dream now and then, can't he?


You can read the rest here and/or comment below.

McJ's picture

Following Up On Israel's latest 'Defense Mission'

Below is an excerpt from this month's SOTT Connecting the Dots:
"Israel's Vengeance, Loose Nukes, Gulf Ecocide ".
It is taken from the section titled "Israel's Vengeance".

It is an excellent examination of the events leading up to, during and after the Israeli attack on the Turkish Humanitarian ship the Mavi Marmara which was part of the Freedom Flotilla. It is a very long article that is extensively link with added pictures and videos. I have not put the links in this clip so you will have to go to the original article here if you would like to follow up on the information given.

A. Peasant at "Twelfth Bough" is reporting that there is evidence the ship seen in the Israeli video clip of their soldiers being attacked by passengers, is not the Mavi Marmara.". The ship used for the filming could possibly have been the Mavi Marmara's sister ship the Dream owned by a Greek company.

The stench from this latest Israeli 'defense mission' is breathtaking (as in one needs a gas mask). They are showing the world who they truly are as they just don't seem to care how much this stinks. Their citizens are now firmly entrenched in what author of Political Ponerolgy Andrew Lobaczewski calls the "Hysteroidal Cycle"


1. The search for truth reveals “inconvenient”, that is, morally embarrassing facts. For example, Christian slaveholders being reminded that holding slaves was not a very Christian activity; or otherwise unprejudiced Americans being informed that their tax dollars are being spent for racist goals, that is, to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from the land coveted by Zionists. Hedonistic societies repress the fact that they profit on the suffering of others.

2. At first, when morally embarrassing facts are encountered, they are consciously avoided. For example, the subject is suddenly changed; or a discussion is tabled or concluded without going any further into the matter.

3. When the avoidance of morally embarrassing facts is done frequently enough, it ceases to be a conscious process and gets relegated to the subconscious; that is, it becomes a habit.

4. The habit of avoiding morally embarrassing facts is a contagious one. It becomes a socially accepted habit, the “in” thing to do. “The ‘very best people’ never discuss such things, and certainly not in public,” is a sentiment expressed innumerable times in the nineteenth century. ..."

5. Reasoning to draw valid conclusions becomes impossible because of the gaps left by the suppressed “inconvenient” facts. The subconscious compensates by substituting morally less embarrassing “premises” so as to be able to continue to draw conclusions, although the conclusions now drawn are, necessarily, false. This is the chronic avoidance of the crux of the matter.

6. People grow perceptibly more egotistic, and the society as a whole more emotional and hysterical. There is a great deal of confusion about values and such societies grow to be seen as arrogant and hedonistic.

7. When the deviation from reality becomes great enough, the person or the society becomes pathological, and murder sprees or senseless world wars and bloody revolutions are in the offing.

In short, during good times, moral, intellectual and personality values devolve to the point where a society is ripe for manipulation by snake-charmers and con-men of Rasputin-like charisma. Individuals become emotionally volatile, egotistical, and intolerant of other cultures. The resulting suffering necessitate great mental and physical strength to fight for existence and human reason. Slowly, what has been lost is relearned. Difficult times give rise to the values necessary to conquer evil and produce better times.

Also, you can find a developing list of the murdered and injured aboard the Gaza Flotilla in the forum.

"Israel's Vengeance"

Perhaps we shouldn't be so surprised at Israel's behaviour. After all, they did actually threaten to send out "half" their Navy to stop the flotilla. Among the heroes of the Freedom Flotilla was American Joe Meadors. This was the second time he has been attacked by the Israelis at sea. 43 years ago he was part of the crew on the USS Liberty, a US Navy electronic intelligence-gathering ship that was attacked by Israeli jets and torpedo boats during the Six Day War in 1967, one of Israel's countless wars of aggression. Thirty-four Americans were killed and more than 170 were wounded in the attack. His government tried to forget this notorious incident, but Joe never forgot.
Israel's deceitful misinformation campaign in the week running up to the slaughter saw its foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman tell the Israeli press that "Israel will not allow a violation of its sovereignty at sea" and that there is "no humanitarian crisis in Gaza" because of course Israel conducts itself impeccably there. Later that night, Israeli air raids bombed Gaza's airport and completely destroyed a mosque on the night of May 26. Israelis were treated to a barrage of propaganda suggesting that Gaza's inmates have never had it so good and that Turkey was now in league with its enemies who were behind this sneak attempt to "deliver weapons to Hamas." On May 27 the Israeli Navy Commander briefed his forces ahead of launching a military operation to intercept the Freedom Flotilla. Incidentally, US Chief-of-Staff Emmanuel Rahm was in Israel at this time for meetings with Psychopath-in-Chief Benjamin Netanyahu and President Psychopath Shimon Peres. Netanyahu was invited to the White House to kiss and make up following their (choreographed?) spat in March over Israel's relentless colonization of the West Bank. We can only assume that Emmanuel was also there to give Israel the green light for what was to follow.

The Freedom Flotilla had planned to rendezvous in Cyprus and pick up more passengers before setting sail in convoy for Gaza. However, several of the vessels were sabotaged and at least two had to cancel their voyage altogether. Then the Greek Cypriot authorities reneged on their agreement with the flotilla's organizers and prevented them from entering their waters at the last minute, forcing the damaged boats to limp towards northern Cyprus where Turkish authorities permitted passenger transfers to take place. In retrospect, it's worth asking, did the Greek-Cypriot authorities know what was coming down the pike? Greek and Cypriot members of the flotilla were furious with their government's apparent betrayal, but perhaps the authorities there were anxious to wash their hands of complicity ahead of the ensuing bloodbath?

Israeli propaganda has gone into overdrive to 'legitimize' the illegitimate by claiming it couldn't be certain there were no weapons on board. The cargo of the Mavi Marmara was thoroughly checked and vetted by Turkish customs officials: there were no firearms on board and no "smuggled weapons for Hamas." Ramzi Kysia of the Free Gaza Movement explained the impeccable efforts made by the volunteers to broadcast their pure intentions:

All ships were thoroughly searched by local port authorities in Greece and Turkey prior to their departure. Additionally, the coalition hired an independent security firm to search the ships and certify that no weapons were on board. All passengers went through nonviolence training and were likewise searched for weapons prior to boarding. The Turkish government, a member-state of the NATO alliance, vetted all the Turkish passengers to insure there was no one with ties to extremist groups. These precautionary steps were deliberately taken to prevent Israeli propaganda officials from ever being able to claim that the Freedom Flotilla posed any 'security risk' to Israel.

There was a live satellite feed broadcasting the voyage from the Mavi Marmara, as well as GPS transponders showing the exact location of the flotilla at all times to anyone viewing the coalition website.

If the Israelis' account of what happened could stand on its own two feet then it would have been unnecessary for them to block all communications in the area. In the interest of transparency and goodwill the flotilla provided multiple channels of communication. The volunteers went out of their way to demonstrate that they had nothing to hide. But Israel prefers to do things in the dark. Can't have the world watching as the filthy deed is done, now can we? They 'cloaked' the area in order to ensure a 'clean slate' upon which to proffer their version of events afterwards.

Initially they said the volunteers had opened fire first. When nobody but the US bought that, they said that their commandos were only armed with "paintball guns", but that some of them were also armed with their personal handguns, two of which were swiped by the volunteers and then used against the Israeli forces (who then returned fire in "self-defense"). Perhaps sensing that the world was not buying that preposterous scenario, they dropped the issue of "who fired first" and chose to focus on the other "weapons" found on board. Photos of marbles, sling-shots, knives, bullet-proof vests (with Turkish flags emblazoned on them for good effect) and an angle-grinder were issued to the media. But the meta-data of these images revealed them to be photographs taken and doctored long before the event. The only "weapons" confirmed thus far by anyone who was present on the Mavi were sections of the ship's railings which some of the volunteers used to disarm the commandos with after many of their comrades were mowed down with automatic gunfire and left lying in a pool of blood on the ship's deck. One of the volunteers, an Irish-American and former US marine named Ken O'Keefe, still covered in blood from the beating he received at the hands of Israeli agents whilst imprisoned at the port of Ashdod, told the press upon his arrival at Istanbul's airport that some of the volunteers had indeed disarmed at least three Israeli commandos:

I said this straight to Israeli agents, probably of Mossad or Shin Bet, and I say it again now, on the morning of the attack I was directly involved in the disarming of two Israeli Commandos. This was a forcible, non-negotiable, separation of weapons from commandos who had already murdered two brothers that I had seen that day. One brother with a bullet entering dead center in his forehead, in what appeared to be an execution. I knew the commandos were murdering when I removed a 9mm pistol from one of them. I had that gun in my hands and as an ex-US Marine with training in the use of guns it was completely within my power to use that gun on the commando who may have been the murderer of one of my brothers. But that is not what I, nor any other defender of the ship did. I took that weapon away, removed the bullets, proper lead bullets, separated them from the weapon and hid the gun. I did this in the hopes that we would repel the attack and submit this weapon as evidence in a criminal trial against Israeli authorities for mass murder.

I also helped to physically separate one commando from his assault rifle, which another brother apparently threw into the sea. I and hundreds of others know the truth that makes a mockery of the brave and moral Israeli military. We had in our full possession, three completely disarmed and helpless commandos. These boys were at our mercy, they were out of reach of their fellow murderers, inside the ship and surrounded by 100 or more men. I looked into the eyes of all three of these boys and I can tell you they had the fear of God in them. They looked at us as if we were them, and I have no doubt they did not believe there was any way they would survive that day. They looked like frightened children in the face of an abusive father.

But they did not face an enemy as ruthless as they. Instead the women provided basic first aid, and ultimately they were released, battered and bruised for sure, but alive. Able to live another day. Able to feel the sun over head and the embrace of loved ones. Unlike those they murdered. Despite mourning the loss of our brothers, feeling rage towards these boys, we let them go. The Israeli prostitutes of propaganda can spew all of their disgusting bile all they wish, the commandos are the murderers, we are the defenders, and yet we fought. We fought not just for our lives, not just for our cargo, not just for the people of Palestine, we fought in the name of justice and humanity. We were right to do so, in every way.

O'Keefe's testimony is worth reading in full. The accounts from Israeli Member of the Knesset Haneen Zuabi and Al Jazeera reporter Jamal Elshayyal stand in stark contrast to Israel's lies: two Israeli warships approached the Mavi in international waters, one from each side, shortly after 4am local time on Monday 31 May. They fired tear gas and plastic-coated steel bullets onto the ship's deck. First one, then a second helicopter hovered overhead, dropping a combination of smoke bombs, gas bombs and flash bombs onto the deck, followed by live ammunition fired from machine guns, randomly sprayed on the unarmed civilians below. Then from a third helicopter commandos began abseiling down onto the deck. Some of the terrified volunteers, wondering if they would all be slaughtered at sea with nobody else around to hear their pleas for help, gang-rushed some of the descending commandos and managed to disarm at least two of them. The volunteers then took cover from more live fire and exploding flash bombs (which sound no different than a real grenade detonating). That was the 'opening round.' The terror didn't end there. Many passengers were then 'tasered' with electric shock weapons and had guns pointed at their heads as the Israeli terrorists refused medical treatment for the wounded. An Australian man was left to bleed to death and only survived thanks to his wife's first aid.

The discrepancy between the Israeli figure of 9 dead and the 20 figured by the activists may have a horrifying explanation: witnesses saw at least four of the wounded being thrown overboard, so some of the dead may have met a similar fate. Forensics of the 9 Turkish men confirmed dead have revealed that they were all shot at close range, 5 with bullet wounds to the head. Dr Haluk Ince, chair of Turkey's council of forensic medicine (ATK), said: "Approximately 20cm away was the closest. In only one case was there only one entrance wound. The other eight have multiple entrance wounds. [The man killed by a single shot] was shot just in the middle of the forehead with a distant shot." The oldest victim was 60-year-old Ibrahim Bilgen, a Turkish politician, engineer and activist who was married with six children. He had been shot once in the right temple, once in the right side of his chest, once in the back and once in the hip. The youngest was Furkan Dogan, an American citizen, shot 4 times in the head and once in the chest, apparently from close range.

Amidst the chaos volunteers picked up a death list that had apparently fallen from one of the commando's pockets. It appeared to list names and faces of those on board who were targeted for assassination. This would explain why the men were shot at close range, some of them in their beds. In a darkly logical way, it makes sense that Israel saw this as a military mission. The Press TV reporter on board has said that the first fatality was "a person that had helped the press get internet access on the ship, it was his job to help setup laptops on the ship." An Israeli soldier just walked right up to the man and shot him square between the eyes. He had to be taken out first as part of the initial stage of the operation to 'disarm' the ship's communications. Again, this suggests that the commandos had a premeditated plan to execute those selected for elimination. Michel Chossudovsky strongly suspects US intelligence was of assistance to the Israelis in this regard.

The Israeli "communications blanket" thrown over the flotilla wasn't entirely successful. An Al-Jazeera reporter managed to broadcast from the Mavi Marmara soon after Israeli Navy commandos stormed the ship in terrifying fashion. News spread of up to 20 killed and many more wounded. Why was the Mavi Marmara singled out for severe treatment? An Israeli colonel told Israeli media that "it had to be boarded because it was too big to be stopped." Although there were no fatalities on the smaller boats, returning volunteers report that stun grenades were fired on these vessels also, before commandos boarded and beat passengers senseless. Their eyes were taped, their heads hooded, arms handcuffed so tight it cut off blood circulation, then abducted to Israel where they were again beaten, made to stand in stress positions under the baking sun, stripped of their possessions and told to sign false confessions if they ever wished to see their families again. The media was not allowed to speak with the detained volunteers. Their version of events is only now emerging piecemeal as they are gradually released thanks to consistent diplomatic pressure from their home countries.

Israeli media spokesmen are even claiming links between the mythical 'al-Qaeda' and the flotilla, based on "intelligence" put forward by Danish security services, who accuse the Turkish humanitarian group IHH of "funding international terrorism." This is interesting because the Danish Security Services have long been doing dirty work for the Mossad in Europe. In The Other Side of Deception, his autobiographical sequel to By Way of Deception, former Mossad man Viktor Ostrovsky recounts his experience working on the "Danish Desk".

From what I found in the Danish secret service file, I could see that we had a "good friend" in Denmark, much friendlier and more cooperative than the Israeli Shaback was to us [Mossad]. The Danes had a small service that wanted to play in the big leagues but didn't have the know-how or financial backing to do so. On the other hand, they could gather information inside Denmark and do things that we couldn't dream of. In return for getting things done for us, we made them feel important (pp 36 - 37).

The worldwide revulsion with Israel's despicable deeds have sadly been neutralised somewhat by the deployment of its massive PR machine aka Hasbara Zionist propaganda. Until people grasp the simple truth that Israel always lies, even when it tells the truth, its lies will find space in which to anchor in normal people's minds. By withholding all information about the numbers dead or wounded, withholding access to lawyers or consular representatives, keeping the status of prisoners' condition under severe media censorship, stealing their possessions and essentially cutting them off from the outside world, Israel created a vacuum of information into which it poured its version of events via Zionist controlled media to ensure that there was no contradiction to its account in those critical first few days after the massacre.

With the help of an army of internet bots 40,000 strong equipped with 'Megaphone' spamming software and the disabling of the flotilla Twitter account, Israel was also able to marshal online coverage of the event. In a pathetic attempt to tarnish the activists with the slur of 'anti-Semitism', the Israeli government inserted fabricated audio recordings into a video of some radio communication between one of its naval vessels and the flotilla's crews. We know they were fabricated because the Israeli government admitted as much! The same video had already been released to journalists several days previously with no "Shut up, go back to Auschwitz" line in it. The added comments were so comical and puerile that we naturally wonder if the Israelis were mocking the world with this stunt. They certainly were with their next trick. An abominable music video produced by former member of the IDF and columnist for the Jerusalem Post Caroline Glick, featured the so-called "Flotilla Choir" dressed in Arab garb, mocking the world's 'overreaction' to the massacre and implying that everything the activists reported was lies. Lines such as, "There's no people dying, so the best that we can do is create the biggest bluff of all" implied that the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is non-existent. They gave it the title "We Con the World" and it's set to the tune of the 1985 hit "We are the World". The Israeli Government Press Office actually posted it on its website, defiantly flipping its middle finger at the world.

Demonstrations were called by Palestinian groups throughout Israel and the Occupied Territories in response to this barbaric assault. They were met in predictable fashion. An American student lost an eye when she was shot in the head with a tear-gas canister by the IDF at a protest at the Qalandia checkpoint near the West Bank city of Ramallah. 5 Palestinians were shot dead during protests in Gaza. Meanwhile Israelis celebrated this "victory" with counter-demonstrations at the Turkish embassy in Tel-Aviv.

Delayed by Israeli sabotage, the Irish-Malaysian team aboard the Rachel Corrie, supported by a demand from the Irish government calling on Israel to let its ship pass through the illegal Israeli blockade, bravely sailed from Malta the following weekend. It got to within 35 miles of Gaza's coastline before being intercepted and forcibly diverted to the gulag of Ashdod, its crew abducted and its cargo impounded. The media is presenting this latest act of piracy in the best light possible, describing how the situation was "peacefully resolved." You know the world is upside down when being forced to do something against your will at the barrel of a gun is considered "peaceful."

Former US Ambassador Edward Peck, who was on board one of the smaller vessels, spoke at a demonstration in front of the White House upon his return to Washington DC, and reminded Americans that "when this kind of thing happens off the coast of Somalia, we call it piracy." And yet when Israel does it, the US government says, "Israel has a right to defend itself." No prizes for guessing which country suggested that any investigation should be led by Israel when the UN Human Rights Council voted overwhelmingly to send an international team to probe the assault. Backed all the way by the US, Israel immediately dismissed the UN's statement, with the fantastical claim that 50 Turkish soldiers were "secreted away in the ships hold, heavily armed with grenades and weapons." Mark Regev, that asinine spokesman for the Israeli government, publicly thanked the US for its efforts "to water down the U.N. statement at the Security Council." What else should we expect given that every single appointee to the American government must endure a thorough background check by the American Jewish community because Israel wants to make sure that no one with even a mildly independent view on Middle East affairs gets appointed to the US government or becomes a member of Congress or the Senate. The Young Turks presenter Cenk Uygur rightly highlights that this brings up important questions for Americans who think that their government works for them:

If Israel was seeking to terrorise civilians into never again sailing for Gaza, the move has backfired spectacularly. The flotilla's charities have already raised funds for sending more aid ships. A group of German Jews are planning to send a boat to Gaza in July. Tireless campaigner George Galloway has announced that a convoy by both land and sea will head for Gaza this summer. Iran has also said it is prepared to either send aid ships under military escort or protect the next civilian convoy to do so. We hope its regime is bluffing because such a move would surely lead to war.

Although it's refreshing to hear some world leaders call for an end to the siege of Gaza, politicians are ultimately hamstrung by their worship before the altar of Zionism. The people, however, are not. They are making their voices heard by way of their actions. Fresh momentum has been injected into the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement to isolate Israel. Swedish dockers have announced they will blockade Israeli ships for two weeks from June 15. Rock bands are cancelling their performances in Israel (prompting the Israelis to label this "cultural terrorism"!)

Turkey has long been a regional ally to Israel, but its moves towards regional alliance with Iran and Syria since Operation Cast Lead are threatening to Israel. As a member of NATO Turkey has a strong card to play. For the moment it is calling the attack on the Freedom Flotilla "an act of piracy", but it could shift tactics and label it an act of war. This would activate Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, putting the US and European members of NATO in the awkward position of having to choose where its allegiances lie: to each other or to the racist enclave that seeks to pit the whole world against itself. The Turkish government has reduced all ties with Israel "to a minimum", cancelling joint military exercises and halting all state energy and water projects with Israel.

Given that an act of piracy on a vessel carrying its flag had just occurred in international waters, giving it jus in bellum under the international laws of war, Turkey's measured response thus far has been admirable. Just four hours before the Freedom Flotilla was violently hijacked, a rocket attack killed 6 at a Turkish naval base in Iskenderun, close to the Syrian border. The PKK, a Kurdish terrorist group with close ties to Israeli Mossad, claimed responsibility. The day before, simultaneous attacks by PKK gunmen also left 6 security personnel dead. The Kurdish people have legitimate grievances with the Turkish government, but their 'army' has become a tool of foreign intrigue. Who else but their Israeli sponsors could have prompted the PKK to deliver Turkey these side blows at just the right time to distract its government and remind Prime Minister Erdogan that "we can strike you anytime." For his part, Erdogan sounds like a man who is finally coming to terms with the fact that Israel is not a democracy ruled by humans, but a pathocracy ruled by psychopaths, operating beyond the bounds of any moral restraint. It is imperative that Turkey does not respond in the way that Israel would like. Israel is seeking to perpetuate the cycle of terrorism in order to further its futile quest for global hegemony. He thus joins Iran's Ahmadinejad and only a handful of other world leaders prepared to highlight the poisonous mortal threat posed by this horrendous anti-social experiment of inhumanity.

Israeli-born musician and author Gilad Atzmon summed up this despicable deed as follows:

Once again it is devastatingly obvious that Israel is not trying to hide its true nature: an inhuman murderous collective fuelled by a psychosis and driven by paranoia. [...]

What we saw yesterday wasn't just a failure on the ground. It was actually an institutional failure of a morbid society that a long time ago lost touch with humanity. [...]

Israel is now officially mad and deadly. The Jewish State is not just careless about human life, as we have been following the Israeli press campaign leading to the slaughter, Israel actually seeks pleasure in inflicting pain and devastation on others.
The utterly schizoidal "Rabbinical Council of Judea and Samaria" has issued a statement saying that the global condemnation

[...] "places us at the beginning of the Gog and Magog process where the world is against us, but which ends with the third and final redemption. [...]

"The legitimacy of our people is not derived from the nations of the world and their poisonous traditions, rather from the Torah of Israel which teaches us that [Israel] 'is a people that shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.'"

This is Israel's vengeance. Vengeance against the US for betraying its nuclear secret. Vengeance against the UN for encouraging it to join the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. Vengeance against the Palestinians for resisting subjugation. Vengeance against humanity for its failure to accept that there can only be one victim: Israel. What has become clear is that, in Israel, we are witnessing the effects of a severe paranoid personality disorder, writ large.

There can be no doubt now for those with eyes to see that Israel is the primary source of anti-Semitism in the world today, and endangers all Jews. Proclaiming itself the "Jewish State" but acting as a rogue state, Israel exposes all Jews to revulsion and retribution.

The murder of Gaza peace activists shows that the actual goal of Zionism is not to protect Jews from anti-Semitism but to create anti-Semitism.

The purpose is to make Jews a pariah unto the nations.

This is the psychopaths' vengeance against normal humanity.

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