james's blog

The Hypocrisy System

It is becoming increasingly clear that we live in a world defined by systemic hypocrisy. This hypocrisy is far more insidious than we might think. Hypocrisy claims to be noble when it is base.

Yesterday I reposted an article written by Sharon Tennison who told of hers and others experiences of dealing with Vladimir Putin and that the commonality of those experiences was that Putin was not only competent but honest. He remained uncorrupted in an environment that supported corruption. These testimonies exposed the western media's derogatory descriptions of Putin as lies and propaganda.

Today we'll look at an example of those lies and propaganda. Mark from The Kremlin Stooge takes apart an article written by David Rothkopf, the editor of the establishment's Foreign Policy Magazine. Mark deftly exposes the lies and false assertions one by one and illustrates the deep hypocrisy that exists in our elite class and how it affects the unaware in our society.

Stanisalv Belkovsky is identified as the source of the false charges of Putin being corrupt and squirreling away billions of dollars. It is truly amazing how this bull is repeated around the net. Well, now we know where it all came from.

Mark also points out in some detail that it is the economy of the USA that is tanking and not Russia's as the establishment is forever proclaiming through the major media organs. But then, after a while, this comes as no surprise as you start to expect the very opposite to be true from what you are told. Everything is back-to-front. This will be the subject of tomorrow's article. But in the meantime, please read and enjoy Mark's well researched and entertaining article.

Want to Know Why The USA is Slipping on All Fronts? Exhibit A.
Posted on April 30, 2014 by marknesop

Uncle Volodya says, “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it. “
I don’t read as much as I once did; I don’t have the time to give it the full attention it demands if I am going to learn anything. But I used to spend a lot of time in libraries, and developed the habit of choosing several books – usually three – at random. I reasoned that at least one would be good and might be great even if the other two were dogs, while if all three were terrific it would take every minute I had them out to finish them all. Anyway, it was my way of steering clear of reading only my favourite authors, discovering new ones and maybe picking up some insights I might otherwise never have glimpsed.

I picked up P.D. James’ “The Children of Men” before it attained cult status and was made into a film, and I have to say I never saw the climax coming; it is a marvelous story that will shake you. I took out and devoured  Val McDermid’s “A Place of Execution“, and became an instant fan; there is a twist in that story that almost made me drop the book in shock – once again, I never saw it coming, and I doubt anyone who is a first reader of the story will, simply brilliant storytelling.

But the book I’m moved to think of now, which I also read with fascination, was a non-fiction analysis of women. Yeah, I know, none of us can figure out why they think the way they do, and there is a great deal different between us over and above our plumbing – some of the decision-making processes women use seem totally irrational to me, although obviously I have tremendous respect for women writers, and my wife’s calm pragmatism turns my teeth sideways sometimes because there is no use arguing with someone who is right. Anyway, the book was Kate Fillion’s “Lip Service: The Truth About Women’s Darker Side in Love, Sex and Friendship“.

The Real Vladimir Putin

In the last couple of days, I have come across three very good articles which cast light on the overall picture we are facing in the world. The bankers are pushing the US into a confrontation with Russia and are reversing the truth through their owned media saying that Russia is the aggressor and that Putin is corrupt and power mad. So while we are waiting with baited breath on which way the situation in Ukraine will twist, I will post these articles together with a fourth one from Saker who published it a week or two ago. Many will have read it already but it will make a nice finale to the other three. I will endeavour to put one up each day.

Here is the first one from Sharon Tennison who has worked in Russia for over thirty years. She relates her own personal encounter with Vladimir Putin over twenty years ago and tells of others first hand experiences with him in the following years. Her article can be found here and I encourage you to go there and explore her site.

I will repost the article in full as I think it is worth recording it in its entirety. Plus, she asks a question in her article which I would like to answer. Further notes from me after Sharon Tennison's valuable article.


by Sharon Tennison

Friends and colleagues,

As the Ukraine situation has worsened, unconscionable misinformation and hype is being poured on Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Journalists and pundits must scour the Internet and thesauruses to come up with fiendish new epithets to describe both.

Wherever I make presentations across America, the first question ominously asked during Q&A is always, "What about Putin?"

It's time to share my thoughts which follow:

Crimea Marks The End Of An Era For Russia (and the US)

Below is a 70min lecture from Russian historian and sociologist, Andrei Furzov. I found the link in a comment left by New Insight at Vineyard of the Saker.

New Insight left the following summary of the lecture-

"There is a LOT of information in this talk.
Make what you will of it … Major topics:

04:30 Overview of the major oligarch clans in Ukraine : Akhmetov (mining & steel), Yanukovych (administration), Kolomoisky (banking), Firtash (energy).
Akhmetov backed Yanukovych, while Kolomoisky backed Yuschenko and Tymoshenko. Firtash works for the Rothschilds. Several more powerful domestic and foreign players in Ukraine. Kolomoisky is said to be the motor behind current events.

12:00 Foreign oligarchs have moved in to control large sectors of Ukraine. At the same time all the big western intelligence agencies have had a free hand since the late 90s (CIA, FBI, MI6, BND, plus one mid-east country), including preparing the Banderite underground for the recent take-over.

24:45 The under-recognized significance of the Lebanese diaspora and Hezbollah in South America and Africa, and how they have gotten in the way of the global hegemon.

28:45 The Banderization of Ukraine is an instrument to conquer Russia and weaken China, lest they become strong enough to challenge the Atlanticist hegemony.

37:30 While the West has been effective for years in steering developments in Ukraine, their Russian counterparts by comparison have been a pathetic failure and need to learn from the West.

43:30 In the last 200-300 years Russia has endured numerous aggressions from the West, while Russia conversely has done virtually nothing against the West. Western expansion is “aggressive” while Russian expansion is “defensive” (buffer).

49:00 The EU intends to bury nuclear waste on the site of Chernobyl, which in a few years will cause massive depopulation of Ukraine (or neighboring Belarus and Russia). The waste train is waiting at the Polish-Ukrainian border. It is speculated that Muzychko was assassinated for knowing too much about this.

53:35 Nato's genocide of pro-Russian Serbs by dropping uranium and infertility agents. Cancer now widespread.

58:45 A Rubicon has been crossed with the February-March events of 2014. Relations between the West and Russia have passed the point of no return. The gloves are off. Russia's “era of defeats” is over. The return of Crimea demonstrated that Russia will not only stand up to aggression but unexpectedly take the initiative.

1:00:30 Next steps for Russia: eliminate the fifth column, reconfigure the economic and social framework, leave anti-Russian international structures, take the initiative against the Western aggressor, and, finally, prepare the domestic population to be ready ... "

I found the lecture to be very enlightening and with lots of solid information.


Containment 2.0 - the reasons

Below is the latest Crosstalk from RT. It discusses the now obvious policy of the US to reconstitute (if it ever lapsed) the Containment Doctrine of the Cold War towards Russia.

It is a very good show and a complete contrast to the immediately previous episode featuring a neocon idiot. I find myself wondering why Peter Lavelle invites these poorly socialised ignorant loud mouths on his show. I mean, we know where to find these morons if we should ever want to hear them. The Crosstalk shows that featuring psychopathic banker mouthpieces from time to time are way too long and shows like the latest featuring Professors Stephen Cohen and John Mearsheimer (embedded below) are way too short.

As I said, the latest episode is well worth watching. There are a lot of good points made. However, there is an important aspect of the reincarnated Containment of Russia Policy that was not discussed. And that is the economic containment of Russia and why it is necessary for the powers that run the West.

As I've mentioned in previous essays, the private banker control of central banking version of capitalism requires the national economies to be held in check to a degree (and periodically sabotaged) that ensures a level of unemployment and social insecurity to maintain the power and privileges of the elite bankers and their inner circle. The resulting hobbled Western economies cannot compete fairly and win against nations such as Russia or China who have state owned and controlled central banks and use them to benefit their economies (and citizens) overall. These countries have no incentive to choke or sabotage their economies. Quite the opposite.

So we've seen Russia come back from the dead under Vladimir Putin in a mere dozen or so years. We've seen China rise from one of the poorest nations on earth to the point where it is about to eclipse the largest economy the world has ever seen, the United States, in less than forty years. We have seen Libya go from the poorest nation in Africa, if not the world, to the richest in Africa in the same time span. Then the world watched as the bankers bombed Libya back to their impoverished past in a matter of weeks. Libya, of course, also had a government owned and operated central bank.

The elite of the United States could not afford to give Ukraine the chance to enter into the Eurasian economy sponsored by Russia. In fact, the more economic concessions Russia granted Ukraine during negotiations, the more distressed and panicked the neocon run US State Dept became. They couldn't afford to wait for the promised elections a year away because even by then it would have become clear which economic system was the only one to pick (if it wasn't already) – the state run and owned central bank version of China and Russia.

Putin came to power in Russia and promptly took back the oil and gas assets that had been looted by the Jewish oligarchs working on behalf of the Jewish international bankers. He initiated capital from an invigorated state development bank and used it for infrastructure development. Russia escaped the bankers' grip and was set on the course of rapidly increasing prosperity. Crimea escaped too and Ukraine would have followed if the neocons had not intervened. Which they did very clumsily and we all know how deliberate it was thanks to some strategically leaked phone calls.

It hasn't gone well, though. The problem now for the bankers is not only Ukraine but also the countries of Europe that might follow Ukraine into the Eurasian block of countries. The difference is going to be hard to ignore. Unless . . .

Unless Russia can be cut off diplomatically and economically from Europe (to Europe's great cost, of course). The horse has bolted as far as Russia is concerned. The rush is now on to slam closed the stable doors to stop the European countries (and especially Germany) from following Russia.

So that is what the Containment 2.0 (of Russia) is all about - cutting off the economic escape route for European countries under the guise of a new Cold War. Following that will be the media cut-off or containment so that the suffering European citizenry will not readily understand that their more eastern brothers are prospering while they are contemplating the reality of starving in the not too distant future. So, folks, enjoy reading and watching RT while you stll can.

It can be said that the original containment policy exercised against Russia was as much a political containment policy of Europe as it was of the Soviet Union. Germany, in particular, suffered under an army of occupation from the US after WW11 and still does. The US Army is there to make sure Germany (Japan, too) behaves itself and offers not only allegiance but servility to the US and their international banker controllers. If this was not so, then the US could have left Germany after Yeltsin came to power in Russia.

After Gorbachev and then Yeltsin, the enemy had evaporated and along with it so did the stated reason for NATO's existence and the US Army's occupation. The fact that the the US military did not budge one inch from their entrenched occupation shows that there was another agenda in play all along.

So after all that, here is Crosstalk with Stephen Cohen and John Mearsheimer-


The Lavrov-Kerry Statement on Ukraine

Here is a very good summary of the meaning of the recent agreed statement between the US and Russia on the situation in Ukraine. It is from Dmitry Orlov's blog and seems to be a translation of a Russian piece found here. Some comments from me at the foot of Dmitry Orlov's post.

The talks in Geneva resulted in an agreement that is in favor of all that is good and opposed to all that is bad. That's the basic gist of it; but what does that mean? Let's translate this memorandum from the language of high diplomacy into the language of the Ukrainian crisis.

Kiev's government representative was invited to participate in his role as a potted plant—because there is nothing to discuss with him. On this all the participants were in complete agreement. That is, there is no government in Kiev, in the sense of an entity that exercises sovereign authority over the territory of Ukraine. This is understood equally well in Moscow, in Brussels and even in Washington. Thus, the actual talks were between USA+EU and Russia.

Mike Whitney on Ukraine, Russia and Putin

Below is an article by Mike Whitney published in Counterpunch. Whitney sums up very well the geostrategic considerations involved in the Ukraine situation. However, in my opinion, he drastically underestimates Vladimir Putin. I will add some comments at the foot of the Mike Whitney's article. (thanks to McJ for the link and insights)

Is Putin Being Lured Into a Trap?

“Russia … is now recognized as the center of the global ‘mutiny’ against global dictatorship of the US and EU. Its generally peaceful .. approach is in direct contrast to brutal and destabilizing methods used by the US and EU…. The world is waking up to reality that there actually is, suddenly, some strong and determined resistance to Western imperialism. After decades of darkness, hope is emerging.” – Andre Vltchek, Ukraine: Lies and Realities, CounterPunch

Russia is not responsible for the crisis in Ukraine. The US State Department engineered the fascist-backed coup that toppled Ukraine’s democratically-elected president Viktor Yanukovych and replaced him with the American puppet Arseniy Yatsenyuk, a former banker. Hacked phone calls reveal the critical role that Washington played in orchestrating the putsch and selecting the coup’s leaders. Moscow was not involved in any of these activities. Vladimir Putin, whatever one may think of him, has not done anything to fuel the violence and chaos that has spread across the country.

Putin’s main interest in Ukraine is commercial. 66 percent of the natural gas that Russia exports to the EU transits Ukraine. The money that Russia makes from gas sales helps to strengthen the Russian economy and raise standards of living. It also helps to make Russian oligarchs richer, the same as it does in the West. The people in Europe like the arrangement because they are able to heat their homes and businesses market-based prices. In other words, it is a good deal for both parties, buyer and seller. This is how the free market is supposed to work. The reason it doesn’t work that way presently is because the United States threw a spanner in the gears when it deposed Yanukovych. Now no one knows when things will return to normal.

Check out this chart at Business Insider and you’ll see why Ukraine matters to Russia.

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